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Title: Hyphenation Question: A simple hyphenation algorithm (syllabicates Spanish words) Answer: Hyphenation Sometimes we need to display or print a text, and we'd like to hyphenate long words that don't fit at the end of a line, to prevent them from falling entirely into the next line leaving too much space unused. The main problem that arises is how to divide a word in syllables. Well, I really don't know how to syllabicate in English, so I leave that part to you, but I hope you find the example on Spanish syllabication useful: procedure Syllabify(Syllables: TStringList; s: string); const Consonants = ['b','B','c','C','d','D','f','F','g','G', 'h','H','j','J','k','K','l','L','m','M','n','N', '','','p','P','q','Q','r','R','s','S','t','T', 'v','V','w','W','x','X','y','Y','z','Z']; StrongVowels = ['a','A','','','e','E','','', '','','o','','O','','','']; WeakVowels = ['i','I','u','U','','']; Vowels = StrongVowels + WeakVowels; Letters = Vowels + Consonants; var i, j, n, m, hyphen: integer; begin j := 2; s := #0 + s + #0; n := Length(s) - 1; i := 2; Syllables.Clear; while i hyphen := 0; // Do not hyphenate if s[i] in Consonants then begin if s[i+1] in Vowels then begin if s[i-1] in Vowels then hyphen := 1; end else if (s[i+1] in Consonants) and (s[i-1] in Vowels) then begin if s[i+1] in ['r','R'] then begin if s[i] in ['b','B','c','C','d','D','f','F','g', 'G','k','K','p','P','r','R','t','T','v','V'] then hyphen := 1 else hyphen := 2; end else if s[i+1] in ['l','L'] then begin if s[i] in ['b','B','c','C','d','D','f','F','g', 'G','k','K','l','L','p','P','t','T','v','V'] then hyphen := 1 else hyphen := 2; end else if s[i+1] in ['h', 'H'] then begin if s[i] in ['c', 'C', 's', 'S', 'p', 'P'] then hyphen := 1 else hyphen := 2; end else hyphen := 2; end; end else if s[i] in StrongVowels then begin if (s[i-1] in StrongVowels) then hyphen := 1 end else if s[i] = '-' then begin Syllables.Add(Copy(s, j, i - j)); Syllables.Add('-'); inc(i); j := i; end; if hyphen = 1 then begin // Hyphenate here Syllables.Add(Copy(s, j, i - j)); j := i; end else if hyphen = 2 then begin // Hyphenate after inc(i); Syllables.Add(Copy(s, j, i - j)); j := i; end; inc(i); end; m := Syllables.Count - 1; if (j = n) and (m = 0) and (s[n] in Consonants) then Syllables[m] := Syllables[m] + s[n] // Last letter else Syllables.Add(Copy(s, j, n - j + 1)); // Last syllable end; To test the procedure yon can drop a Textbox and a Label on a form and in the Change event of the Textbox write: procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); var Syllables: TStringList; begin Syllables := TStringList.Create; try Syllabify(Syllables, Edit1.Text); Label1.Caption := StringReplace(Trim(Syllables.Text), #13#10, '-', [rfReplaceAll]); finally Syllables.Free; end; end; Now that we have a syllabication procedure, we have to note that we can't hyphenate a word in any syllable break. It is usually correct and/or desirable to join small syllables at the left and/or right sides of a word to guarantee for example that there are at least two syllables on either side of the word when it gets hyphenated, or -like in the following example- to make sure that at least we have four characters in either side: procedure ApplyRules(Syllables: TStringList); // Guarantee there are at least four letters in the left // and right parts of the word begin with Syllables do begin if Count = 1 then exit; while Count 1 do begin if Length(Strings[0]) = 4 then break; Strings[0] := Strings[0] + Strings[1]; Delete(1); end; while Syllables.Count 1 do begin if Length(Strings[Count-1]) = 4 then break; Strings[Count-2] := Strings[Count-2] + Strings[Count-1]; Delete(Count-1); end; end; end; Finally, it comes the time to parse the text separating the lines of a paragraph determining which words should be hyphenated. The following example does that with a text to be displayed in a Memo: procedure Hyphenate(Memo: TMemo; OriginalText: TStrings); var paragraph, i, j, k, m, n, MaxLineWidth: integer; s, line: string; Bitmap: TBitmap; Canvas: TCanvas; Syllables: TStringList; begin Syllables := TStringList.Create; try // We need a canvas to use its TextWidth method to get the width // of the text to see if it fits in the client area or not. The // TMemo class doesn't have a Canvas property, so we have to // create one of our own. Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; Canvas := Bitmap.Canvas; try Canvas.Font := Memo.Font; MaxLineWidth := Memo.ClientWidth - 6; // Maximum width Memo.Lines.Clear; for paragraph := 0 to OriginalText.Count - 1 do begin // For each paragraph s := OriginalText[paragraph]; // Get the original paragraph // Get the lines in which we have to break the paragraph while Canvas.TextWidth(s) MaxLineWidth do begin // First we find (in "j") the index of the start of the // first word that doesn't fit (the one to hyphenate) j := 1; n := Length(s); i := 2; while i if (s[i-1] = ' ') and (s[i] ' ') then j := i; // last beginning of a word if Canvas.TextWidth(Copy(s, 1, i)) MaxLineWidth then break; // reached a width that doesn't fit inc(i); end; // Where does the break occurs? if s[i] = ' ' then begin // Great! We break on a space Memo.Lines.Add(Copy(s, 1, i - 1)); // Add the line s := Copy(s, i + 1, n - i); // Remove the line end else begin // We break somewhere in a word. Now, we find (in "k") // the first space after the word (k) k := j + 1; while (k ' ') do inc(k); // Divide the word in Syllables Syllabify(Syllables, Copy(s, j, k - j)); ApplyRules(Syllables); // Check (in "m") how many syllables fit m := 0; Line := Copy(s, 1, j-1); while Canvas.TextWidth(Line + Syllables[m] + '-') Line := Line + Syllables[m]; inc(m); end; if (m 0) and (Syllables[m-1] '-') then begin // Hyphenate Line := Line + '-'; j := Length(Line); if Syllables[m] = '-' then inc(j); end; Memo.Lines.Add(Line); // Add the line s := Copy(s, j, n - j + 1); // Remove the line end; end; Memo.Lines.Add(s); // Add the last line (it fits) end; finally Bitmap.Free; end; finally Syllables.Free; end; end; To test the procedure, drop a Memo component on a form, align it for example to the top of the form (Align = alTop) and write the following code in the Resize event of the form: procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject); var OriginalText: TStringList; begin OriginalText := TStringList.Create; try OriginalText.Add('Si se ha preguntado cmo hacen los ' + 'programas procesamiento de textos para dividir palabras ' + 'con de guiones al final de una lnea, he aqu un ' + 'ejemplo sencillo (en comparacin con los que usan las ' + 'aplicaciones de procesamiento de textos).'); OriginalText.Add('Este es un segundo prrafo que se provee ' + 'con fines de ejemplo.'); Hyphenate(Memo1, OriginalText); finally OriginalText.Free; end; end;