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How to use my own Inplace Editors in Grids

Title: How to use my own Inplace-Editors in Grids Question: String-Grids are very usefull, but sometimes it's necessary to use an own Inplace-Editor. For example to make a Grid which will allow only numbers but no Text-Characters. Answer: When you are using Grids (TStringGrid, TDBGrid), you can input some text in the cells of the grid. This will be done with the "Inplace-Editor" from Borland. Sometimes it's necessary to make an own Inplace-Editor, for example to prevent the user to give in Text instead of number. The following example shows how to do this. First you need two new classes: one for your Grid and one for your Inplace-Editor. In this example I use TStringGrid, but it should also work with TDBStringGrid. unit u_TMyStringGrid; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids; type // My own Inplace-Editor. This Editor -for example- only // allow numbers, no text TMyInplaceEdit = class (TInplaceEdit) protected procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; end; // My own StringGrid, which will use my own Inplace-Editor TMyStringGrid = class(TStringGrid) protected function CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; override; end; implementation { TMyStringGrid } // Here i define, that my StringGrid should use MyInplace-Editor function TMyStringGrid.CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; begin Result := TMyInplaceEdit.Create(Self); end; { TMyInplaceEdit } //The Inplace-Edit only allowes numers, no text-Characters procedure TMyInplaceEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char); begin if not (Key in ['0'..'9']) then begin beep; Key := #0 end else inherited; end; end.