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How to use EnumFontFamilies

Title: How to use EnumFontFamilies procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Listbox1.Items.Assign(Screen.Fonts); end; function EnumProc(var elf: TEnumLogFont; var ntm: TNewTextmetric; FontType: Integer; listbox: TListbox): Integer; stdcall; var S: string; begin if fonttype = TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE then begin listbox.Items.Add(Format('Name: %s', [elf.elfFullName])); listbox.Items.Add(Format('Style: %s', [elf.elfStyle])); end else listbox.Items.Add(Format('Name: %s', [elf.elfLogfont.lfFacename])); listbox.Items.Add(Format('Size: %d', [elf.elfLogFont.lfHeight])); listbox.Items.Add(Format('Weight: %d', [elf.elfLogFont.lfWeight])); if elf.elfLogFont.lfItalic 0 then listbox.Items.Add('This font is italic'); case FontType of DEVICE_FONTTYPE: S := 'device font'; RASTER_FONTTYPE: S := 'raster font'; TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE: S := 'truetype font' else S := 'unknown font type'; end; listbox.Items.Add(Format('This is a %s', [S])); Result := 1; end; procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); begin listbox2.Clear; with listbox1 do if ItemIndex = 0 then EnumFontFamilies(Self.Canvas.Handle, PChar(Items[ItemIndex]), @EnumProc, Longint(Listbox2)); end;