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How to translate a virtual key to ASCII code

Title: How to translate a virtual-key to ASCII code { Typically you would get the scancode needed from the lparam of a WM_KEYDOWN message. If you are trying to work from an OnKeyDown handler here you don't have that either, so you have to fall back on MapVirtualKey. The keystate array is obtained from GetKeyboardstate. } {: Obtain the character that will result from the virtual key passed in. @param vkey is the virtual key code, e.g. Key parameter of an OnKeyDown handler. @returns the character or '' if the key does not result in a character. On rare occasions the function may return two characters, e.g. if an accent key is pressed followed by another character that does not have an accented version. } function GetCharFromVKey(vkey: Word): string; var keystate: TKeyboardState; retcode: Integer; begin Win32Check(GetKeyboardState(keystate)); SetLength(Result, 2); retcode := ToAscii(vkey, MapVirtualKey(vkey, 0), keystate, @Result[1], 0); case retcode of 0: Result := ''; // no character 1: SetLength(Result, 1); 2:; else Result := ''; // retcode end; end; procedure TForm1.Memo1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin label1.Caption := GetCharFromVKey(Key); end;