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How to tell netscape navigator which web pages to load from your delphi program

Wouldn't it be cool to have a hot key in your program that can activate and load a particular page (your home page on the web for example) into Netscape Navigator? Here's how: program Netscape; uses DDEMan; procedure GotoURL( sURL : string ); var dde : TDDEClientConv; begin dde := TDDEClientConv.Create( nil ); with dde do begin { specify the location of netscape.exe } ServiceApplication := 'c:ns32programnetscape.exe'; { activate the Netscape Navigator } SetLink( 'Netscape', 'WWW_Activate' ); RequestData('0xFFFFFFFF'); { go to the specified URL } SetLink( 'Netscape', 'WWW_OpenURL' ); RequestData( sURL+',,0xFFFFFFFF,0x3,,,' ); { ... } CloseLink; end; dde.Free; end; begin GotoURL( '' ); end.