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How to store the contents of a richedit in an emf files

Howto store the contents of a RichEdit in an EMF files Sometimes, you may want to store the contents of a rich edit control in a metafile. This article outlines an approach that stores this type of control's contents in enhanced metafiles, one page per metafile. The following code demonstrates one method to dump the contents of a rich edit control into EMF files (one per page): unit RichEditEMFPrint; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, RichEdit, commdlg, classes, messages, Comctrls; procedure RichEditToMetaFile(AControl : TRichEdit; AFileName : string); implementation // GetPrinterDC() // returns a printer DC - uses Printer Common Dialog function GetPrinterDC : HDC; var pdlg : TPRINTDLG; begin FillChar(pdlg, sizeof(TPRINTDLG), 0); pdlg.lStructSize := sizeof( TPRINTDLG ); pdlg.Flags := PD_RETURNDC; PrintDlg(pdlg); Result := pdlg.hDC; end; // Get the length, in characters, of the text in the control function GetRTFTextLength(hWndRTF : HWND) : integer; begin Result := SendMessage(hWndRTF, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ); end; // RTFToEMF - Tell the control to draw itself on the EMF // Parameters: // hRefDC is used to create the EMF // pszMetaFileName is the file name of the new EMF (can be nil) // prcMeta is the RECT used to in CreateEnhMetaFile(), in 0.01mm // units (should not be nil) // hWndRTF is the control of interest // nStart is the starting character location // pEnd is a integer which receives the position of // the next character to print after this page function RTFToEMF(hRefDC : HDC; pszMetaFileName : LPCTSTR; prcMeta : TRECT; hWndRTF : HWND; nStart : integer; var pEnd : integer) : HENHMETAFILE; var hMetaDC : HDC; fr : FORMATRANGE; nTextPrinted : integer; begin // Create the EMF hMetaDC := CreateEnhMetaFile( hRefDC, pszMetaFileName, @prcMeta, nil ); if( hMetaDC = 0 ) then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; ZeroMemory(@fr, sizeof(fr)); // Set up the page (convert 0.01mm to twips) := prcMeta.left*1440 div 2540; fr.rcPage.left :=*1440 div 2540; fr.rcPage.right := prcMeta.right*1440 div 2540; fr.rcPage.bottom := prcMeta.bottom*1440 div 2540; // Set up no margins all around. fr.rc := fr.rcPage; // Set up the range of text to print as nStart to end of document fr.chrg.cpMin := nStart; fr.chrg.cpMax := -1; fr.hdcTarget := hMetaDC; fr.hdc := fr.hdcTarget; // Tell the control to draw itself on our (meta) DC nTextPrinted := SendMessage(hWndRTF, EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, integer(@(fr))); pEnd := nTextPrinted; Result := CloseEnhMetaFile( hMetaDC ); end; // DumpRTFToPagedEMFs - demonstrates using RTFToEMF() to create an EMF // for each page in an RTF control // Parameters: // hWndRTFControl - the control // szEMFFileTitleBase - base filename for EMF files, number is appended procedure DumpRTFToPagedEMFs(hWndRTFControl : HWND; szEMFFileTitleBase : LPTSTR); var szMetaName : string; nRTFTextLength, nStart, nPage : integer; hRefDC : HDC; rcMeta : TRECT; hEMF : HENHMETAFILE; begin // First, determine how many chars are in the RTF nRTFTextLength := GetRTFTextLength( hWndRTFControl ); // Get a reference DC (based on a printer) hRefDC := GetPrinterDC(); // Set up the meta RECT for 0.01mm units rcMeta := Classes.Rect( 0, 0, GetDeviceCaps(hRefDC, HORZSIZE)*100, GetDeviceCaps(hRefDC, VERTSIZE)*100 ); nPage := 0; nStart := 0; while nStart<nRTFTextLength do // Loop while we've not reached the end of the text in the control begin // construct a file name for this page szMetaName := Format('%s%d.EMF', [szEMFFileTitleBase, nPage]); // call function above to draw this portion of the RTF on the EMF hEMF := RTFToEMF( hRefDC, PChar(szMetaName), rcMeta, hWndRTFControl, nStart, nStart ); // clean up DeleteEnhMetaFile( hEMF ); inc(nPage); if nStart = 0 then break; end; end; procedure RichEditToMetaFile(AControl : TRichEdit; AFileName : string); begin DumpRTFToPagedEMFs(AControl.Handle, PChar(AFileName)); end; end.