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How to start a program and wait for its termination (2)

Title: How to start a program and wait for its termination (2) // First create the special unit and put this code into this new unit: uses Windows, Registry, Dialogs, Classes, SysUtils; var aProcessInfo: PROCESS_INFORMATION; aProcessSecAttr: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; aThreadSecAttr: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; aStartupInfo: STARTUPINFO; function RunApp(commandLine: String): integer; var n: Boolean; begin with aProcessSecAttr do begin bInheritHandle := False; lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; nLength := sizeOf(aProcessSecAttr); end; with aThreadSecAttr do begin bInheritHandle := False; lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; nLength := sizeOf(aThreadSecAttr); end; with aStartupInfo do begin cb := sizeOf(aStartupInfo); lpReserved := nil; lpDesktop := nil; lpTitle := nil; dwX := 0; dwY := 0; dwXSize := 300; dwYSize := 300; dwXCountChars := 80; dwYCountChars := 25; dwFillAttribute := 0; dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; wShowWindow := SW_SHOWDEFAULT; cbReserved2 := 0; lpReserved2 := nil; hStdInput := 0; hStdError := 0; hStdOutput := 0; end; n := CreateProcess(nil, @commandLine[1], nil, nil, True, CREATE_NO_WINDOW + NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, aStartupInfo, aProcessInfo); If n Then RunApp := aProcessInfo.hProcess Else RunApp := -1; end; procedure CloseProcessHandles; begin CloseHandle(aProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(aProcessInfo.hProcess); end; // Then you may call the RunApp function: hProcessHandle := RunApp(sPrintCmd); if hProcessHandle 0 then begin WaitForSingleObject(hProcessHandle, _YOUR_WAIT_TIME_); CloseProcessHandles;; end;