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How to show an Editibox linked Balloontip

Title: How to show an Editibox linked Balloontip //Windows +XP //Form witch one button and one editbox type tagEDITBALLOONTIP = record cbStruct: Longword; pszTitle: PWChar; pszText: PWChar; ttiIcon: Integer; end; type PEDITBALLOONTIP = ^tagEDITBALLOONTIP; const ECM_FIRST = $00001500; EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP = ECM_FIRST + 3; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ebt: tagEDITBALLOONTIP; title, Text: Widestring; icon: Integer; begin title := 'tooltip!!'; Text := 'in editbox :)'; icon := 1; //0,1,2,3 with ebt do begin cbStruct := SizeOf(ebt); pszTitle := PWideChar(title); pszText := PWideChar(Text); ttiIcon := icon; end; SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP, 0, Longint(@ebt)); end;