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How to sendget the priority of a process

Title: How to send/get the priority of a process. Question: Change the priority that Windows gives to your application or get what priority it has. BE WARNED: YOUR APPLICATION CAN BLOCK THE OPERATING SYSTEM!!! Answer: Const ppIdle : Integer = -1; ppNormal : Integer = 0; ppHigh : Integer = 1; ppRealTime : Integer = 2; Function SetProcessPriority( Priority : Integer ) : Integer; Var H : THandle; Begin Result := ppNormal; H := GetCurrentProcess(); If ( Priority = ppIdle ) Then SetPriorityClass( H, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS ) Else If ( Priority = ppNormal ) Then SetPriorityClass( H, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ) Else If ( Priority = ppHigh ) Then SetPriorityClass( H, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) Else If ( Priority = ppRealTime ) Then SetPriorityClass( H, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS ); Case GetPriorityClass( H ) Of IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppIdle; NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppNormal; HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppHigh; REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppRealTime; End; End; Function GetProcessPriority : Integer; Var H : THandle; Begin Result := ppNormal; H := GetCurrentProcess(); Case GetPriorityClass( H ) Of IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppIdle; NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppNormal; HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppHigh; REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS : Result := ppRealTime; End; End; Use this: Function SetProcessPriority( Priority : Integer ) : Integer; to set a priority to your application, or this: Function GetProcessPriority : Integer; to get the actual priority.