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How to send keystrokes to another application (a better one)

Title: How to send keystrokes to another application (a better one) Question: How can i send Keystrokes to another application... Answer: Found another unit which has exactly the same functionality as the SendKeys method of VB. The Code was written by Ken Henderson, Begin of listing ====================================================================== (* SendKeys routine for 32-bit Delphi. Written by Ken Henderson Copyright (c) 1995 Ken Henderson This unit includes two routines that simulate popular Visual Basic routines: Sendkeys and AppActivate. SendKeys takes a PChar as its first parameter and a boolean as its second, like so: SendKeys('KeyString', Wait); where KeyString is a string of key names and modifiers that you want to send to the current input focus and Wait is a boolean variable or value that indicates whether SendKeys should wait for each key message to be processed before proceeding. See the table below for more information. AppActivate also takes a PChar as its only parameter, like so: AppActivate('WindowName'); where WindowName is the name of the window that you want to make the current input focus. SendKeys supports the Visual Basic SendKeys syntax, as documented below. Supported modifiers: + = Shift ^ = Control % = Alt Surround sequences of characters or key names with parentheses in order to modify them as a group. For example, '+abc' shifts only 'a', while '+(abc)' shifts all three characters. Supported special characters ~ = Enter ( = Begin modifier group (see above) ) = End modifier group (see above) { = Begin key name text (see below) } = End key name text (see below) Supported characters: Any character that can be typed is supported. Surround the modifier keys listed above with braces in order to send as normal text. Supported key names (surround these with braces): BKSP, BS, BACKSPACE BREAK CAPSLOCK CLEAR DEL DELETE DOWN END ENTER ESC ESCAPE F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 HELP HOME INS LEFT NUMLOCK PGDN PGUP PRTSC RIGHT SCROLLLOCK TAB UP Follow the keyname with a space and a number to send the specified key a given number of times (e.g., {left 6}). *) unit sndkey32; interface Uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages; Function SendKeys(SendKeysString : PChar; Wait : Boolean) : Boolean; function AppActivate(WindowName : PChar) : boolean; {Buffer for working with PChar's} const WorkBufLen = 40; var WorkBuf : array[0..WorkBufLen] of Char; implementation type THKeys = array[0..pred(MaxLongInt)] of byte; var AllocationSize : integer; (* Converts a string of characters and key names to keyboard events and passes them to Windows. Example syntax: SendKeys('abc123{left}{left}{left}def{end}456{left 6}ghi{end}789', True); *) Function SendKeys(SendKeysString : PChar; Wait : Boolean) : Boolean; type WBytes = array[0..pred(SizeOf(Word))] of Byte; TSendKey = record Name : ShortString; VKey : Byte; end; const {Array of keys that SendKeys recognizes. If you add to this list, you must be sure to keep it sorted alphabetically by Name because a binary search routine is used to scan it.} MaxSendKeyRecs = 41; SendKeyRecs : array[1..MaxSendKeyRecs] of TSendKey = ( (Name:'BKSP'; VKey:VK_BACK), (Name:'BS'; VKey:VK_BACK), (Name:'BACKSPACE'; VKey:VK_BACK), (Name:'BREAK'; VKey:VK_CANCEL), (Name:'CAPSLOCK'; VKey:VK_CAPITAL), (Name:'CLEAR'; VKey:VK_CLEAR), (Name:'DEL'; VKey:VK_DELETE), (Name:'DELETE'; VKey:VK_DELETE), (Name:'DOWN'; VKey:VK_DOWN), (Name:'END'; VKey:VK_END), (Name:'ENTER'; VKey:VK_RETURN), (Name:'ESC'; VKey:VK_ESCAPE), (Name:'ESCAPE'; VKey:VK_ESCAPE), (Name:'F1'; VKey:VK_F1), (Name:'F10'; VKey:VK_F10), (Name:'F11'; VKey:VK_F11), (Name:'F12'; VKey:VK_F12), (Name:'F13'; VKey:VK_F13), (Name:'F14'; VKey:VK_F14), (Name:'F15'; VKey:VK_F15), (Name:'F16'; VKey:VK_F16), (Name:'F2'; VKey:VK_F2), (Name:'F3'; VKey:VK_F3), (Name:'F4'; VKey:VK_F4), (Name:'F5'; VKey:VK_F5), (Name:'F6'; VKey:VK_F6), (Name:'F7'; VKey:VK_F7), (Name:'F8'; VKey:VK_F8), (Name:'F9'; VKey:VK_F9), (Name:'HELP'; VKey:VK_HELP), (Name:'HOME'; VKey:VK_HOME), (Name:'INS'; VKey:VK_INSERT), (Name:'LEFT'; VKey:VK_LEFT), (Name:'NUMLOCK'; VKey:VK_NUMLOCK), (Name:'PGDN'; VKey:VK_NEXT), (Name:'PGUP'; VKey:VK_PRIOR), (Name:'PRTSC'; VKey:VK_PRINT), (Name:'RIGHT'; VKey:VK_RIGHT), (Name:'SCROLLLOCK'; VKey:VK_SCROLL), (Name:'TAB'; VKey:VK_TAB), (Name:'UP'; VKey:VK_UP) ); {Extra VK constants missing from Delphi's Windows API interface} VK_NULL=0; VK_SemiColon=186; VK_Equal=187; VK_Comma=188; VK_Minus=189; VK_Period=190; VK_Slash=191; VK_BackQuote=192; VK_LeftBracket=219; VK_BackSlash=220; VK_RightBracket=221; VK_Quote=222; VK_Last=VK_Quote; ExtendedVKeys : set of byte = [VK_Up, VK_Down, VK_Left, VK_Right, VK_Home, VK_End, VK_Prior, {PgUp} VK_Next, {PgDn} VK_Insert, VK_Delete]; const INVALIDKEY = $FFFF; VKKEYSCANSHIFTON = $01; VKKEYSCANCTRLON = $02; VKKEYSCANALTON = $04; UNITNAME = 'SendKeys'; var UsingParens, ShiftDown, ControlDown, AltDown, FoundClose : Boolean; PosSpace : Byte; I, L : Integer; NumTimes, MKey : Word; KeyString : String[20]; procedure DisplayMessage(Message : PChar); begin MessageBox(0,Message,UNITNAME,0); end; function BitSet(BitTable, BitMask : Byte) : Boolean; begin Result:=ByteBool(BitTable and BitMask); end; procedure SetBit(var BitTable : Byte; BitMask : Byte); begin BitTable:=BitTable or Bitmask; end; Procedure KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode : Byte; Flags : Longint); var KeyboardMsg : TMsg; begin keybd_event(VKey, ScanCode, Flags,0); If (Wait) then While (PeekMessage(KeyboardMsg,0,WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE)) do begin TranslateMessage(KeyboardMsg); DispatchMessage(KeyboardMsg); end; end; Procedure SendKeyDown(VKey: Byte; NumTimes : Word; GenUpMsg : Boolean); var Cnt : Word; ScanCode : Byte; NumState : Boolean; KeyBoardState : TKeyboardState; begin If (VKey=VK_NUMLOCK) then begin NumState:=ByteBool(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) and 1); GetKeyBoardState(KeyBoardState); If NumState then KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK]:=(KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] and not 1) else KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK]:=(KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] or 1); SetKeyBoardState(KeyBoardState); exit; end; ScanCode:=Lo(MapVirtualKey(VKey,0)); For Cnt:=1 to NumTimes do If (VKey in ExtendedVKeys)then begin KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY); If (GenUpMsg) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) end else begin KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, 0); If (GenUpMsg) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); end; end; Procedure SendKeyUp(VKey: Byte); var ScanCode : Byte; begin ScanCode:=Lo(MapVirtualKey(VKey,0)); If (VKey in ExtendedVKeys)then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY and KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) else KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); end; Procedure SendKey(MKey: Word; NumTimes : Word; GenDownMsg : Boolean); begin If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANSHIFTON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_SHIFT,1,False); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANCTRLON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_CONTROL,1,False); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANALTON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_MENU,1,False); SendKeyDown(Lo(MKey), NumTimes, GenDownMsg); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANSHIFTON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANCTRLON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_CONTROL); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANALTON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_MENU); end; {Implements a simple binary search to locate special key name strings} Function StringToVKey(KeyString : ShortString) : Word; var Found, Collided : Boolean; Bottom, Top, Middle : Byte; begin Result:=INVALIDKEY; Bottom:=1; Top:=MaxSendKeyRecs; Found:=false; Middle:=(Bottom+Top) div 2; Repeat Collided:=((Bottom=Middle) or (Top=Middle)); If (KeyString=SendKeyRecs[Middle].Name) then begin Found:=True; Result:=SendKeyRecs[Middle].VKey; end else begin If (KeyStringSendKeyRecs[Middle].Name) then Bottom:=Middle else Top:=Middle; Middle:=(Succ(Bottom+Top)) div 2; end; Until (Found or Collided); If (Result=INVALIDKEY) then DisplayMessage('Invalid Key Name'); end; procedure PopUpShiftKeys; begin If (not UsingParens) then begin If ShiftDown then SendKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); If ControlDown then SendKeyUp(VK_CONTROL); If AltDown then SendKeyUp(VK_MENU); ShiftDown:=false; ControlDown:=false; AltDown:=false; end; end; begin AllocationSize:=MaxInt; Result:=false; UsingParens:=false; ShiftDown:=false; ControlDown:=false; AltDown:=false; I:=0; L:=StrLen(SendKeysString); If (LAllocationSize) then L:=AllocationSize; If (L=0) then Exit; While (I case SendKeysString[I] of '(' : begin UsingParens:=True; Inc(I); end; ')' : begin UsingParens:=False; PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); end; '%' : begin AltDown:=True; SendKeyDown(VK_MENU,1,False); Inc(I); end; '+' : begin ShiftDown:=True; SendKeyDown(VK_SHIFT,1,False); Inc(I); end; '^' : begin ControlDown:=True; SendKeyDown(VK_CONTROL,1,False); Inc(I); end; '{' : begin NumTimes:=1; If (SendKeysString[Succ(I)]='{') then begin MKey:=VK_LEFTBRACKET; SetBit(Wbytes(MKey)[1],VKKEYSCANSHIFTON); SendKey(MKey,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I,3); Continue; end; KeyString:=''; FoundClose:=False; While (I Inc(I); If (SendKeysString[I]='}') then begin FoundClose:=True; Inc(I); Break; end; KeyString:=KeyString+Upcase(SendKeysString[I]); end; If (Not FoundClose) then begin DisplayMessage('No Close'); Exit; end; If (SendKeysString[I]='}') then begin MKey:=VK_RIGHTBRACKET; SetBit(Wbytes(MKey)[1],VKKEYSCANSHIFTON); SendKey(MKey,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); Continue; end; PosSpace:=Pos(' ',KeyString); If (PosSpace0) then begin NumTimes:=StrToInt(Copy(KeyString,Succ(PosSpace),Length(KeyString)-PosSpace)); KeyString:=Copy(KeyString,1,Pred(PosSpace)); end; If (Length(KeyString)=1) then MKey:=vkKeyScan(KeyString[1]) else MKey:=StringToVKey(KeyString); If (MKeyINVALIDKEY) then begin SendKey(MKey,NumTimes,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Continue; end; end; '~' : begin SendKeyDown(VK_RETURN,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); end; else begin MKey:=vkKeyScan(SendKeysString[I]); If (MKeyINVALIDKEY) then begin SendKey(MKey,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; end else DisplayMessage('Invalid KeyName'); Inc(I); end; end; end; Result:=true; PopUpShiftKeys; end; {AppActivate This is used to set the current input focus to a given window using its name. This is especially useful for ensuring a window is active before sending it input messages using the SendKeys function. You can specify a window's name in its entirety, or only portion of it, beginning from the left. } var WindowHandle : HWND; function EnumWindowsProc(WHandle: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): BOOL; export; stdcall; const MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN = 80; var WindowName : array[0..MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN] of char; begin {Can't test GetWindowText's return value since some windows don't have a title} GetWindowText(WHandle,WindowName,MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN); Result := (StrLIComp(WindowName,PChar(lParam), StrLen(PChar(lParam))) 0); If (not Result) then WindowHandle:=WHandle; end; function AppActivate(WindowName : PChar) : boolean; begin try Result:=true; WindowHandle:=FindWindow(nil,WindowName); If (WindowHandle=0) then EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc,Intege (PChar(WindowName))); If (WindowHandle0) then begin SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_HOTKEY, WindowHandle); SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, WindowHandle); end else Result:=false; except on Exception do Result:=false; end; end; end. ======================================================================End of listing Try creating a new unit and paste the code above in it. The comments in the unit explain how to use it. In Holland we would say: "Beter goed gejat dan slecht verzonnen"