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How to send a quickreport via outlook[send mail with attachement]

USES [..], Outlook8, OleServer, COMobj, ActiveX; [..] procedure TfrmKuProt.sbtMailClick(Sender: TObject); VAR Outlook : OutlookApplication; Unknown : IUnknown; Result : HResult; MI : MailItem; Insp : Inspector; x : Integer; aExportFilter: TQRExportFilter; wmf : TQRWMFFilter; CONST olMailItem = 0; BEGIN qr.Prepare; try wmf := TQRWmfFilter.Create(NIL); wmf.Enhanced := TRUE; aExportFilter := TQRExportFilterLibraryEntry( QRExportFilterLibrary.Filters[4]).ExportFilterClass.Create('c:\rpt.bmp'); qr.QRPrinter.ExportToFilter(aExportFilter); wmf.Free; finally aExportFilter.Free end; // via early binding: Result := GetActiveObject(CLASS_OutlookApplication, nil, Unknown); if Result = MK_E_UNAVAILABLE then Outlook := CoOutlookApplication.Create else begin // make sure no other error occurred during GetActiveObject OleCheck(Result); OleCheck(Unknown.QueryInterface(OutlookApplication, Outlook)); end; MI := Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) as MailItem; MI.Recipients.Add(' @'); MI.Attachments.Add('c:\rpt.bmp',EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam); MI.Subject := 'Your sheet Y'; MI.Body := 'Dear Mr. Dredd,'#13#10#13#10'Enclosed please find ..'#13#10; Insp := MI.GetInspector; Insp.Display(False); Showmessage('Please click OK when Outlook is finished.'); Screen.Cursor := crHourglass; Outlook.Quit; Outlook := nil; end; Thanks to Deborah Pate (see her URL on my Delphi Tips page) for pointing me in the right direction with Outlook.