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How to run a console application and get its output

Title: How to run a console application and get its output private function RunCaptured(const _dirName, _exeName, _cmdLine: string): Boolean; {....} function TForm1.RunCaptured(const _dirName, _exeName, _cmdLine: string): Boolean; var start: TStartupInfo; procInfo: TProcessInformation; tmpName: string; tmp: Windows.THandle; tmpSec: TSecurityAttributes; res: TStringList; return: Cardinal; begin Result := False; try { Setze ein Tempor?res File } { Set a temporary file } tmpName := 'Test.tmp'; FillChar(tmpSec, SizeOf(tmpSec), #0); tmpSec.nLength := SizeOf(tmpSec); tmpSec.bInheritHandle := True; tmp := Windows.CreateFile(PChar(tmpName), Generic_Write, File_Share_Write, @tmpSec, Create_Always, File_Attribute_Normal, 0); try FillChar(start, SizeOf(start), #0); start.cb := SizeOf(start); start.hStdOutput := tmp; start.dwFlags := StartF_UseStdHandles or StartF_UseShowWindow; start.wShowWindow := SW_Minimize; { Starte das Programm } { Start the program } if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(_exeName + ' ' + _cmdLine), nil, nil, True, 0, nil, PChar(_dirName), start, procInfo) then begin SetPriorityClass(procInfo.hProcess, Idle_Priority_Class); WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, Infinite); GetExitCodeProcess(procInfo.hProcess, return); Result := (return = 0); CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); Windows.CloseHandle(tmp); { Die Ausgaben hinzuf¨¹gen } { Add the output } res := TStringList.Create; try res.LoadFromFile(tmpName); Memo1.Lines.AddStrings(res); finally res.Free; end; Windows.DeleteFile(PChar(tmpName)); end else begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError())), 'RunCaptured Error', MB_OK); end; except Windows.CloseHandle(tmp); Windows.DeleteFile(PChar(tmpName)); raise; end; finally end; end; Usage Examples: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin RunCaptured('C:\', 'cmd.exe', '/c dir'); end;