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How to round a time

Title: How to round a time function RoundTime(ADate: string; Rounding: Integer; bRound: Boolean): string; var Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word; tmpDate: TDateTime; Res, Diff: string; M: integer; begin tmpDate := StrToDateTime(ADate); DecodeTime(tmpDate, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec); if (Rounding 0) and (bRound = True) then begin if Min mod Rounding = 0 then Res := IntToStr(Min) else Res := IntToStr(Round(Min / Rounding) * Rounding); M := StrToInt(Copy(ADate, Length(ADate) - 1, 2)); Diff := IntToStr(StrToInt(Res) - M); if Copy(Diff, 1, 1) = '-' then begin Diff := Copy(Diff, 2, Length(Diff) - 1); Result := FormatDateTime(' hh:mm', (tmpDate - StrToTime('00:00' + Diff))); end else Result := FormatDateTime(' hh:mm', (tmpDate + StrToTime('00:00' + Diff))); end else Result := ADate; end; // Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.Text := FormatDateTime(' hh:mm', Now); Edit2.Text := RountTime(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value, Checkbox1.Checked); // Example: RoundTime('07.08.02 10:41', '15', True) -- 07.08.02 10:45 end;