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How to rotate a font

Title: How to rotate a font Question: How to rotate a font Answer: procedure TextOutAngle(x,y,aAngle,aSize: integer; txt: string); var hFont, Fontold: integer; DC: hdc; Fontname: string; begin if length(txt)= 0 then EXIT; DC:= Screen.ActiveForm.Canvas.handle; SetBkMode(DC, transparent); Fontname:= Screen.ActiveForm.Canvas.Font.Name; hFont:= CreateFont(-aSize,0, aAngle*10,0, fw_normal,0, 0, 0,1,4,$10,2,4,PChar(Fontname)); Fontold:= SelectObject(DC, hFont); TextOut(DC,x,y,PChar(txt), length(txt)); SelectObject(DC, Fontold); DeleteObject(hFont); end; You can use this function (e.g.) in any method of TForm.