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How to replace controls at run time

Title: How to replace controls at run-time unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; (* Neue Komponente mit eigenen Eigenschaften ersetzt erst zur Programmlaufzeit das Verhalten von TPanel *) (* The new component replace at runtime TPanel *) TExtPanel = class(TCustomControl) protected procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_Size; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TExtPanel.WMSize; begin Caption := 'Width: ' + IntToStr(Width) + ', Height: ' + IntToStr(Height); end; procedure ReplaceParentClass(DelphiClass, OldParent, NewParent: TClass); var aClassPointer: ^Byte; pVCL, pNew: ^Pointer; dwProtect: DWORD; begin if Assigned(NewParent) then if Assigned(DelphiClass) then begin // ClassParent-Zeiger suchen //Search ClassParent Pointer while (DelphiClass.ClassParent OldParent) do begin with DelphiClass do begin if (ClassParent = nil) or (ClassParent = NewParent) then Exit; // DelphiClass.ClassParent zuweisen // Set DelphiClass.ClassParent DelphiClass := ClassParent; end end; // Parent-Zeiger der originalen VCL-Klasse suchen // Search Parent-Pointer of original VCL-Class aClassPointer := Pointer(DelphiClass); Inc(aClassPointer, vmtParent); pVCL := Pointer(aClassPointer); aClassPointer := Pointer(NewParent); Inc(aClassPointer, vmtSelfPtr); pNew := Pointer(aClassPointer); // Schreibberechtigung holen, Zeigerwerte tauschen // Set write permission, swap pointers VirtualProtect(pVCL, SizeOf(Pointer), PAGE_READWRITE, @dwProtect); pVCL^ := pNEW; // alte Zugriffsrechte aktivieren // avtivate old access right VirtualProtect(pVCL, SizeOf(Pointer), dwProtect, @dwProtect); end end; initialization ReplaceParentClass(TPanel, TCustomControl, TExtPanel); finalization ReplaceParentClass(TPanel, TExtPanel, TCustomControl); end.