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How to Remove a dbase index flag

Title: How to Remove a dbase index flag function UnCheckIndex(FileDbf: string): Boolean; var Dbf: file; Car: Char; begin Result := T; AssignFile(Dbf, FileDbf); Car := #0; {$I-} Reset(Dbf, 1); if not ErrorIO(FileDbf, IoResult) then begin Seek(Dbf, 28); {Flag's position} if not ErrorIO(FileDbf, IoResult) then BlockWrite(Dbf, Car, 1, Num_R) else Result := F; CloseFile(Dbf); if ErrorIO(FileDbf, IoResult) then Result := F; end else Result := F; {$I+} end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if UnCheckIndex('MyBase.dbf') then ShowMessage('Flag removed'); end;