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How to print a bitmap

Lines followed by // ** are essential. The others are to get the scaling correct otherwise you end up with extremely small images. Printer resolutions are higher than your screen resolution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ScaleX, ScaleY: Integer; R: TRect; begin Printer.BeginDoc; // ** with Printer do try ScaleX := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, logPixelsX) div PixelsPerInch; ScaleY := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, logPixelsY) div PixelsPerInch; R := Rect(0, 0, Image1.Picture.Width * ScaleX, Image1.Picture.Height * ScaleY); Canvas.StretchDraw(R, Image1.Picture.Graphic); // ** finally EndDoc; // ** end; end;