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How to minimze the application visually to the tray (TNA)

Title: How to minimze the application visually to the tray (TNA) function MinimizeToTray(Handle: HWND): Boolean; var hwndTray: HWND; rcWindow: TRect; rcTray: TRect; begin // Check passed window handle if IsWindow(Handle) then begin // Get tray handle hwndTray := FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'TrayNotifyWnd', nil); // Check tray handle if (hwndTray = 0) then // Failure Result := False else begin // Get window rect and tray rect GetWindowRect(Handle, rcWindow); GetWindowRect(hwndTray, rcTray); // Perform the animation DrawAnimatedRects(Handle, IDANI_CAPTION, rcWindow, rcTray); // Hide the window ShowWindow(Handle, SW_HIDE); end; end else // Failure Result := False; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MinimizeToTray(Handle); end;