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How to look for and handle command line parameters

Most command line programs and some Windows programs has the ability to look for and handle parameters passed to it such as "/? /HELP /Q". If you want to add similar functionality to your Delphi programs, you can start with a function like this: program myprog; uses SysUtils; function CmdLineParamFound( sParamName : String ) : Boolean; const { assume that command line parameters start with the "/" character } c_token = '/'; var i : integer; sTemp : string; begin result := False; for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin sTemp := ParamStr( i ); if( c_token = sTemp[ 1 ] )then begin if( ( c_token + UpperCase( sParamName ) ) = UpperCase( sTemp ) )then begin result := True; exit; end; end; end; end; begin { following "if" statement will be triggered if called with the /HELP parameter: myprog.exe /HELP } if( CmdLineParamFound( 'HELP' ) )then begin { display help here... } end; { myprog.exe /FULLSCREEN } if( CmdLineParamFound( 'FULLSCREEN' ) )then begin { run program in full screen mode } end; end. If you need more help, look up "ParamStr()" and "ParamCount" functions in your help files.