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How to ensure only one instance of application runs at once

Title: How to ensure only one instance of application runs at once? This is the final of several incarnations. I can not take credit for all the code. It once had more comments than code and in an overzealous clean-up, all the credits were removed. I will search my archives and edit later to give credit where it is due. First the unit, followed by how it is used: CODE unit PrevInst; interface Uses Windows, SysUtils, Messages; function ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle: string): Boolean; (* Usage: if ActivatePrevInstance(TMainForm.ClassName, '') then Exit; *) implementation function StrPAlloc(const S: string): PChar; begin Result := StrPCopy(StrAlloc(Length(S) + 1), S); end; function GetWindowParent(Wnd: HWND): HWND; begin Result := GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_HWNDPARENT); end; function WindowClassName(Wnd: HWND): string; var Buffer: array [0..255] of Char; begin SetString(Result, Buffer, GetClassName(Wnd, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) - 1)); end; function WindowsEnum(Handle: HWND; Param: Longint): BOOL; export; stdcall; begin if WindowClassName(Handle) = 'TAppBuilder' then begin Result := False; PLongint(Param)^ := 1; end else Result := True; end; procedure ActivateWindow(Wnd: HWND); begin if Wnd 0 then begin ShowWindow(Wnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); //ShowWinNoAnimate(Wnd, SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(Wnd); end; end; function FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle: string): HWnd; var BufClass, BufTitle: PChar; begin Result := 0; if (MainFormClass = '') and (ATitle = '') then Exit; BufClass := nil; BufTitle := nil; if (MainFormClass '') then BufClass := StrPAlloc(MainFormClass); if (ATitle '') then BufTitle := StrPAlloc(ATitle); try Result := FindWindow(BufClass, BufTitle); finally StrDispose(BufTitle); StrDispose(BufClass); end; end; //FindPrevInstance function ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle: string): Boolean; var PrevWnd, PopupWnd, ParentWnd: HWnd; IsDelphi: Longint; begin Result := False; PrevWnd := FindPrevInstance(MainFormClass, ATitle); if PrevWnd 0 then begin ParentWnd := GetWindowParent(PrevWnd); while (ParentWnd GetDesktopWindow) and (ParentWnd 0) do begin PrevWnd := ParentWnd; ParentWnd := GetWindowParent(PrevWnd); end; if WindowClassName(PrevWnd) = 'TApplication' then begin IsDelphi := 0; EnumThreadWindows(GetWindowTask(PrevWnd), @WindowsEnum, LPARAM(@IsDelphi)); if Boolean(IsDelphi) then Exit; if IsIconic(PrevWnd) then { application is minimized } begin SendMessage(PrevWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); Result := True; Exit; end else ShowWindow(PrevWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); {ShowWinNoAnimate(PrevWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);} end else ActivateWindow(PrevWnd); PopupWnd := GetLastActivePopup(PrevWnd); if (PrevWnd PopupWnd) and IsWindowVisible(PopupWnd) and IsWindowEnabled(PopupWnd) then SetForegroundWindow(PopupWnd) else ActivateWindow(PopupWnd); Result := True; end; end; //ActivatePrevInstance end. The following DPR (project1.exe) will only launch once outside the IDE: IMPORTANT NOTE: This function works ONLY if the Delphi IDE is NOT running. There is a line of code in ActivatePrevInstance "if Boolean(IsDelphi) then exit;" to allow debugging. It returns "false" if the IDE is running. CODE program Project1; uses Forms, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1}, PrevInst in 'PrevInst.pas'; {$R *.res} begin if ActivatePrevInstance(TForm1.ClassName, '') then Exit; Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; end.