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How to detect if disk exists

{ Here is a function I've written to test if a disk is in a drive (without generating the Windows error message). There may be a better way of doing it in Delphi 2, but this is how it's done in Delphi 1.x: } function DiskExists(Drive: Char): Boolean; var ErrorMode: Word; begin Drive := UpCase(Drive); { Make sure drive is a valid letter } if not (Drive in ['A'..'Z']) then raise EConvertError.Create('Not a valid drive letter'); { Turn off critical errors } ErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FailCriticalErrors); try Application.ProcessMessages; Result := (DiskSize(Ord(Drive) - Ord('A') + 1) <> -1); finally { Restore the old error mode } SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; If you want to test if a drive exists, with or without a disk in it, the take a look at the API call GetDriveType()...