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How to customize column names in dbgrid

{ Moin all, Janusz wrote: >I use D1 and try to write my first applications. Is it possible to change >column headers in DBGrid? Default values are field names and I must change >them. Try this: Save your new columnnames in a separate file. It's a tip Create an Table1.AfterOpen eventhandler } procedure Table1.AfterOpen(Dataset : TDataSet); var TmpList : TStringList; iCnt : Integer; begin Try TmpList:=TStringList.Create; TmpList.LoadFromFile(The file with the new columnnanes); For iCnt:=0 to TmpList.Count-1 do begin If iCnt<Table1.FieldCount then Table1.Fields[iCnt].DisplayLabel:=TmpList.Strings[iCnt]; end;{For iCnt:=0 to TmpList.Count-1 do} Finally TmpList.Free; end;