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How to create balloon tooltips

Title: How to create balloon tooltips uses Commctrl; {....} const TTS_BALLOON = $40; TTM_SETTITLE = (WM_USER + 32); var hTooltip: Cardinal; ti: TToolInfo; buffer : array[0..255] of char; {....} procedure CreateToolTips(hWnd: Cardinal); begin hToolTip := CreateWindowEx(0, 'Tooltips_Class32', nil, TTS_ALWAYSTIP or TTS_BALLOON, Integer(CW_USEDEFAULT), Integer(CW_USEDEFAULT), Integer(CW_USEDEFAULT), Integer(CW_USEDEFAULT), hWnd, 0, hInstance, nil); if hToolTip 0 then begin SetWindowPos(hToolTip, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE); ti.cbSize := SizeOf(TToolInfo); ti.uFlags := TTF_SUBCLASS; ti.hInst := hInstance; end; end; procedure AddToolTip(hwnd: DWORD; lpti: PToolInfo; IconType: Integer; Text, Title: PChar); var Item: THandle; Rect: TRect; begin Item := hWnd; if (Item 0) and (GetClientRect(Item, Rect)) then begin lpti.hwnd := Item; lpti.Rect := Rect; lpti.lpszText := Text; SendMessage(hToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, Integer(lpti)); FillChar(buffer, SizeOf(buffer), #0); lstrcpy(buffer, Title); if (IconType 3) or (IconType 0) then IconType := 0; SendMessage(hToolTip, TTM_SETTITLE, IconType, Integer(@buffer)); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin CreateToolTips(Form1.Handle); AddToolTip(Memo1.Handle, @ti, 1, 'Tooltip text', 'Title'); end; { IconType can be: 0 - No icon 1 - Information 2 - Warning 3 - Error }