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How to create a pre-caching system

This article describes how to monitor a drive and pre-cache small files. This is especially usefull with applications that slowly transport streams, like mp3 players or p2p applications. This example demonstrates two things: First: how to monitor a drive using ReadDirectoryChangesW. This will let windows callback the application whenever a change in a file or file attributes is made. Secondly, a small example of a thread that performs the pre-cache. Create the stringlists before calling monitordrive or launching the thread. Monitor a drive with MonitorDrive (Pathname) type TTrackInfo = record H:Integer; O:TOverLapped; B:TFNIBuf; D:String; end; TPreCache = class(TThread) procedure Execute; override; end; function Track(I:Integer{TrackIndex}):LongBool; implementation var Extensions : array[0..0] of String = ('.mp3'); var Tracks:Array of TTrackInfo; FFilesOpened, FFilesHistory:TStringList; FHasNewFileToCache:Boolean=False; FPrecached:Integer; FTotPrecached:Int64=0; FPreCachedFile:String; CS,css:TCriticalSection; //Callback routine: procedure {VOID WINAPI} FileIOCompletionRoutine( dwErrorCode:Dword; // completion code dwNumberOfBytesTransfered:DWord; // number of bytes transferred lpOverlapped:Pointer // pointer to structure with I/O information ); stdcall; var S,M,V:String; POverLapped:^TOverLapped; i,l:Integer; begin //Return POverLapped := lpOverLapped; // if @OverLapped = POverlapped then log ('ie'); l:=-1; for i:=0 to high(Tracks) do if @Tracks[i].O = lpOverlapped then //found corresponding index begin l:=i; break; end; if l<0 then //Help, not found! begin // Log ('track index not found'); exit; end; repeat if true{Tracks[l].B.Action <> 0} then //ignore repeated writes etc begin S:=Tracks[l].B.FileName; //This works because FileName = array of WChar ! SetLength (S, Tracks[l].B.FileNameLength div 2); S:=Tracks[l].D+S; //Make it full path {case Tracks[l].B.Action of FILE_ACTION_ADDED : M:='The file was added to the directory.'; FILE_ACTION_REMOVED : M:='The file was removed from the directory.'; FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED : M:='The file was modified. This can be a change in the time stamp or attributes.'; FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME : M:='The file was renamed and this is the old name.'; FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME : M:='The file was renamed and this is the new name.'; end;} // Log ('Jeempie '+S+' '+M); //Visualize system activity: { //Not!! TO COMPUTING EXTENSIVE if frmMain.lbxActiveFiles.Items.IndexOf (S+' '+M) < 0 then begin frmMain.lbxActiveFiles.Items.Add (S+' '+M); if frmMain.lbxActiveFiles.Items.Count > 8 then frmMain.lbxActiveFiles.Items.Delete(0); end; } // v:=lowercase (extractfileext(S)); // for i:=low (Extensions) to high(Extensions) do // if (Extensions[i]=V) then begin //add to queue if FFilesHistory.IndexOf(S)<0 then begin if FFilesHistory.Count>2000 then FFilesHistory.Clear; FFilesHistory.Add(S); CS.Enter;//FileSize getfileattr FFilesOpened.Add (S); FHasNewFileToCache := True; CS.Leave; end; // Break; // isfileopen end; end; if Tracks[l].B.NextEntryOf > 0 then Move (Tracks[l].B.RawData[Tracks[l].B.NextEntryOf], Tracks[l].B.RawData[0], SizeOf(Tracks[l].B)-Tracks[l].B.NextEntryOf); until Tracks[l].B.NextEntryOf = 0; //We just call Track again: Track(l); end; function Track(I:Integer{TrackIndex}):LongBool; begin //If we Result:= ReadDirectoryChangesW( Tracks[I].H, @Tracks[i].B, DWord(SizeOf(Tracks[i].B)), LongBool(1), DWord ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY ), nil,//@NrBytes, @Tracks[i].O, @FileIOCompletionRoutine); end; procedure MonitorDrive (Path:String); //We will set up a ReadDirectoryChangesW (), subtree enabled, //to monitor all file I/O. var i:LongBool; j,l:Integer; //Buffer contents: HB:DWord; LB:LongBool; NrBytes:Integer; begin LB:=True; //Yes, recursive :))) // for j:=32 downto 0 do SetLength (Tracks, high(Tracks)+2); l := high(Tracks); Tracks[l].D := Path; begin HB:=SizeOf(Tracks[l].B); Tracks[l].H {hDir}:= CreateFile ( PChar(Path), // pointer to the file name $1, //FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_DELETE, // share mode 0, // security descriptor OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS or FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // file attributes 0 // file with attributes to copy ); i:= ReadDirectoryChangesW( Tracks[l].H{hDir}, @Tracks[l].B{Buf}, HB, LongBool(1), DWord ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY ), nil,//@NrBytes, @Tracks[l].O{verlapped}, @FileIOCompletionRoutine); // CloseHandle (hDir); Let's keep the handle, right ? if i then begin // Log ('Track succeeded '+IntToStr(Tracks[l].H)) end else ;//Log ('Track Failed '+IntToStr(Tracks[l].H{hDir})); end; { HANDLE hDirectory, // handle to the directory to be watched LPVOID lpBuffer, // pointer to the buffer to receive the read results DWORD nBufferLength, // length of lpBuffer BOOL bWatchSubtree, // flag for monitoring directory or directory tree DWORD dwNotifyFilter, // filter conditions to watch for LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, // number of bytes returned LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, // pointer to structure needed for overlapped I/O LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine // pointer to completion routine } end; procedure TPreCache.Execute; var F:TFileStream; s,fn:String; begin SetLength (s, 262144); //page block size=256K F:=nil; while not Terminated do begin sleep(2); if FHasNewFileToCache then begin CS.Enter; if FFilesOpened.Count>0 then begin fn:=FFilesOpened[0]; FFilesOpened.Delete(0); end else begin fn:=''; FHasNewFileToCache := False; end; CS.Leave; end; if (fn<>'') and not (DirectoryExists(fn)) and FileExists(fn) then begin try F:=TFileStream.Create (fn, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); if F.Size < 12 * 1024 * 1024 then //12mB max size begin while F.Position < F.Size do begin F.Read (S[1], Length(S)); sleep (32); //<2MB/s end; inc (FTotPrecached, F.Size); FPrecached := F.Size; FreeAndNil (F); css.Enter; FPrecachedFile := fn; css.Leave; end; except //probably file failed to open, just ignore end; fn := ''; try if Assigned(F) then FreeAndNil(F); except end; end; end; end; There is one important thing to do. In order to recieve the callback message, the thread must be in alertable state. This example is ran from the main thread, so we use a timer for that: procedure TForm1.tmrAlertableStateTimer(Sender: TObject); begin SleepEx (2, True); end; If you do not call the sleepex() function, the callback routine will not get called. Set the timer interval reasonable low (200ms or so). Of course, it would be better to run this inside a thread, this thread would only have to loop sleepex all the time. we start the whole stuff with this: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); type TDrives='C'..'Z'; var d:TDrives; dt:Integer; p:TPreCache; begin FFilesOpened := TStringList.Create; FFilesHistory := TStringList.Create; FFilesHistory.Sorted := True; CS := TCriticalSection.Create; css := TCriticalSection.Create; //drive tracks: for d:=low(TDrives) to high(TDrives) do begin dt := GetDriveType(PChar(d+':\')); if (dt=DRIVE_FIXED) or (dt=DRIVE_REMOTE) then MonitorDrive(D+':\'); end; p:=TPreCache.Create (False); end; Just comment in and out the parts as you like.