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How to create a console mode program

You can write console mode (or command line) programs (programs that usually does not use Windows graphical user interface) using Delphi. (1) Create a new application using "File | New Application" (2) Go to the "Project Manager" ("View | Project Manager") (3) Remove the default form from the project (highlight the unit and press DELETE -- do not save changes) (4) Go to the "Project Source" ("View | Project Source") (5) Edit your project source file: (a) Remove code inside "begin" and "end." -- code that begins with "Application." (b) Replace the "Forms" unit in the "uses" section with "SysUtils." (c) You do not need to load the resource file -- remove {$R *.RES}. (d) Finally place "{$apptype console}" in a line by itself right after the "program" statement. (6) You just created a console mode program skeleton in Delphi. Now you can add your code in between "begin" and "end." statements. program console; {$apptype console} uses SysUtils; begin // add your code here... WriteLn( 'hello, world!' ); end.