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How to copy text from tmemo to blob

> I tried : Table1BlobField1.Assign(Memo1.lines) but this > won't work. Get an error message telling me that this > field is not a BLOB. I had found this snip of code in a mag. some time back. It seems to work well. It uses a TStringList which should work with the TMemo. procedure TMain1.ListBoxToDBMemo(DestTable: TTable; Destfield: String; SourceList: TStringList); var BlobStream1: TBlobStream; begin BlobStream1:=TBlobStream.Create(TMemoField(DestTable.FieldByName( DestField)),bmWrite); try BlobStream1.Write(SourceList.GetText^,StrLen(SourceList.GetText)); finally; end; end; procedure TMain1.DBMemoToListBox(SourceTable: TTable; SourceField: String; DestList: TStringList); var BlobStream1: TBlobStream; begin BlobStream1:=TBlobStream.Create(TMemoField(SourceTable.FieldByName( SourceField)),bmRead); try DestList.LoadFromStream(BlobStream1); finally; end; end;