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How to Click on a button of another Application

Title: How to Click on a button of another Application function EnumChildProc(Wnd: hWnd; SL: TStrings): BOOL; stdcall; var szFull: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; //Buffer for window caption begin Result := Wnd 0; if Result then begin GetWindowText(Wnd, szFull, SizeOf(szFull)); // put window text in buffer if (Pos(SL[0], StrPas(szFull)) 0) // Test for text and (SL.IndexOfObject(TObject(Wnd)) 0) // Test for duplicate handles then SL.AddObject(StrPas(szFull), TObject(Wnd)); // Add item to list EnumChildWindows(Wnd, @EnumChildProc, Longint(SL)); //Recurse into child windows end; end; function ClickButton(ParentWindow: Hwnd; ButtonCaption: string): Boolean; var SL: TStringList; H: hWnd; begin SL := TStringList.Create; try SL.AddObject(ButtonCaption, nil); // First item in list is text to find EnumChildWindows(ParentWindow, @EnumChildProc, Longint(SL)); H := 0; case SL.Count of 1: ShowMessage('Window text not found.'); 2: H := hWnd(SL.Objects[1]); else ShowMessage('Ambiguous text detected.'); end; finally SL.Free; end; Result := H 0; if Result then PostMessage(H, BM_CLICK, 0, 0); end; Rememeber the ampresand for underlined characters if the ??c?? is underlined, then the text is ??&click??