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How to check for valid amount

Title: How to check for valid amount function isValidAmount(sData: string): Boolean; var nAmtlen: Smallint; // used to find the length of amount field nNodots: Smallint; // used to find how many dots are in amount field begin nNodots := 0; Result := False; for nAmtlen := 1 to Length(sData) do begin case sData[nAmtlen] of '0'..'9': Result := True; // checking for numbers only '.': nNodots := nNodots + 1; // incrementing nnodots variable when ever '.' is found end; end; if (Pos('.', sData) = 0) then begin if (Length(IntToStr(StrToInt(sData))) 5) then Result := False else Result := True; end else begin if Pos('.', sData) 6 then Result := False; if Length(Copy(sData, (Pos('.', sData) + 1), Length(sData))) 2 then Result := False; end; if ((Result = True) and (nNodots = 1)) then // checking field contains numbers and only one '.' separator Result := True else Result := False; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not isValidAmount(trim(Edit1.Text)) then ShowMessage(Edit1.Text + ' is not a Valid Amount'); else ShowMessage('Valid Amount'); end;