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How to change properties of objects just by name

Title: How to change properties of objects just by name? Question: How can i access properties of classes that are not implemented via the uses-clause, just knowing their names ( by string)? Answer: You have to use the TypInfo unit. Simple properties, like strings and integer, can be accessed in the following manner: ------------------------------------------------------------- Uses TypInfo; procedure AlterProp(AName, APropName, AValue:string); var i : integer; C : TComponent; begin // Run through all Components to find the right Component for i:=0 to Form1.Componentcount-1 do begin C := Form1.Components[i]; if (C.Name = AName) then begin SetPropValue(C,APropName, AValue); end; end; end; ------------------------------------------------------------- Now there are also some Properties like Font. How do i reach those sub-properties? Here is a solution to that: ------------------------------------------------------------- Uses TypInfo; procedure AlterFontColor(AName:string; AColor:TColor); var i : integer; C : TComponent; AObj : TObject; begin // Run through all Components to find the right Component for i:=0 to Form1.Componentcount-1 do begin C := Form1.Components[i]; if (C.Name = AName) then begin AObj := GetObjectProp(C,'Font'); SetPropValue(AObj,'Color',AColor); end; end; end; ------------------------------------------------------------- And finally you have many indexed properties like TStrings or stuff. Now how do i reach those indexed properties? All indexed properties are stored in TCollection-Objects. So you have to Typecast them like in the following function: ------------------------------------------------------------- Uses TypInfo; procedure AlterIndexObject(ACompName, APropName:string; ACaption: string); var i : integer; C : TComponent; ACollectionItem, AObj : TObject; begin // Run through all Components to find the right Component for i:=0 to Form1.Componentcount-1 do begin C := Form1.Components[i]; if (C.Name = ACompName) then begin AObj:= GetObjectProp(C,APropName); ACollectionItem := TCollection(AObj).Items[0]; SetPropValue(ACollectionItem, 'Caption', ACaption); end; end; end; ------------------------------------------------------------- There are many possibilities for this functions to use in your projects. Mainly there are usefull for language-changings or skin-components. The possibilities are endless. I hope my article was somewhat usefull for you. I like to share knowledge with other developers. keep on coding :-) Jrgen Sommer