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How to add items to the system menu

How to add items to the system menu at the top left of the form. type TForm1 = class(TForm) ... procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure WMSYSCOMMAND(var message: TWMSYSCOMMAND); message WM_SYSCOMMAND; ... procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const MenuCaption = '&About...'; var i: Integer; SystemMenu: HMenu; MENUITEMINFO: TMENUITEMINFO; begin SystemMenu := GetSystemMenu(Handle, False); i := GetMenuItemCount(SystemMenu); FillChar(MENUITEMINFO, SizeOf(MENUITEMINFO), 0); { Don't use SizeOf(MENUITEMINFO) because it's required for Windows 95 } MENUITEMINFO.cbSize := 44; // Separator MENUITEMINFO.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MENUITEMINFO.fType := MFT_SEPARATOR; InsertMenuItem(SystemMenu, i, TRUE, MENUITEMINFO); // Adding About now MENUITEMINFO.fMask := MIIM_TYPE or MIIM_ID; MENUITEMINFO.fType := MFT_STRING; MENUITEMINFO.dwTypeData := PChar(MenuCaption); MENUITEMINFO.cch := Length(MenuCaption); MENUITEMINFO.wID := 1101; // ID must be < $F000 InsertMenuItem(SystemMenu, i+1, TRUE, MENUITEMINFO); end; procedure TForm1.WMSYSCOMMAND(var message: TWMSYSCOMMAND); begin inherited; case message.CmdType of 1101: ShowMessage('About me'); end; end; The previous code doesn’t add a menu item to the system menu of the application button in the taskbar (when you right-click it). It’s because delphi creates a hidden window. You have to do the work twice in order to add the same menu for that window. Unfortunately, the object receiving the WM_SYSCOMMAND message is that window too : type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure OnAppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); end; ... procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const MenuCaption = '&About...'; var i: Integer; SystemMenu: HMenu; MENUITEMINFO: TMENUITEMINFO; begin Application.OnMessage := OnAppMessage; SystemMenu := GetSystemMenu(Application.Handle, False); // same code as before ... end; procedure TForm1.OnAppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); begin if (Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and (Msg.wParam = 1101) then begin ShowMessage('About me'); Handled := True; end; end