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How to access a certain part of a GUID

Title: How to access a certain part of a GUID const fsGUID: string = 'D1: $%s'#13#10'D2: $%s'#13#10'D3: $%s'#13#10 + 'D4: $%s $%s $%s $%s $%s $%s $%s $%s'; fsGUIDParts: string = 'D%d:%s'; // Type for the GUID part to be shown type TGUIDPART = (guidp_NoFormat, guidp_All, guidp_D1, guidp_D2, guidp_D3, guidp_D4); { This GUIDToStringEx function give you the full GUID string according with then format string FStr (you can change it !!!) } function GUIDToStringEx(Guid: TGuid; FStr: string): string; overload; begin Result := Format(FStr, [IntToHex(GUID.D1, 8), IntToHex(GUID.D2, 4), IntToHex(GUID.D3, 4), IntToHex(GUID.D4[0], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[1], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[2], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[3], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[4], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[5], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[6], 2), IntToHex(GUID.D4[7], 2) ]); end; { This GUIDToStringEx function give you the part of the GUID to be shown, according to the part type GUIDPart } function GUIDToStringEx(Guid: TGuid; Part: TGUIDPART): string; overload; var i: Integer; S: string; begin S := ''; case Part of guidp_NoFormat: S := GUIDToString(Guid); guidp_All: S := GUIDToStringEx(Guid, fsGUID); guidp_D1: S := Format(fsGUIDParts, [1, ' $' + IntToHex(GUID.D1, 8)]); guidp_D2: S := Format(fsGUIDParts, [2, ' $' + IntToHex(GUID.D2, 4)]); guidp_D3: S := Format(fsGUIDParts, [3, ' $' + IntToHex(GUID.D3, 4)]); guidp_D4: begin for i := 0 to 7 do S := S + ' $' + IntToHex(GUID.D4[i], 2); S := Format(fsGUIDParts, [4, S]); end; else S := '?'; end; Result := S; end; { How to use the different GUIDToStringEx functions } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var NewGUID: TGUID; begin { Create a new GUID } NewGUID := StringToGUID(CreateClassID); { Standard formated GUID string } label1.Caption := GUIDToStringEx(NewGUID, guidp_NoFormat) + #13#10 + { Full formated GUID string acc. with fsGUID} GUIDToStringEx(NewGUID, fsGUID) + #13#10 + { Full formated GUID string with default formating} GUIDToStringEx(NewGUID, guidp_All) + #13#10 + { Part D3 of the GUID only } GUIDToStringEx(NewGUID, guidp_D3); end;