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How many colors can the graphic card display

You can use WIN API function GetDeviceCaps() to calculate the number of colors supported by the current video mode*). This function will return the number of maximum simultaneous colors current video device can handle. The var parameter will be set to the the number of bits per pixel or 0 in case of an error. function GetColorsCount (var bitsperpixel : integer) : longint; var h : hDC; begin Result := 0; bitsperpixel := 0; try h := GetDC(0); bitsperpixel := GetDeviceCaps(h, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(h, BITSPIXEL); Result := 1 shl bitsperpixel; finally ReleaseDC(0, h); end; end; *) Look at the ChangeDisplaySettings routine (in the Win32 API help) to change the mode at runtime