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How do i get the disk serials

{ > >I've got code to do this in Turbo Pascal, using the DOS Services interrupt > >(21), function number 69H. But this does not work in Delphi. I'm sure this > >can be done using the DOS3CALL function, but I've tried and tried, and I can't > >seem to get it to work. Any ideas? > > >Mike > > > > This will do it ! } unit Procs; interface uses Forms, DB, DBGrids, DBTables, Graphics, Classes, Dialogs; Type TRWBlock = Record rwSpecFunc: Byte; rwHead: Word; rwCylinder: Word; rwFirstSector: Word; rwSectors: Word; rwBufPtr: Pointer; End; TBootSector = Record bsJump: Array[0..2] of Byte; bsOemName: Array[0..7] of Char; bsBytesPerSec: Word; bsSecPerClust: Byte; bsResSectors: Word; bsFATs: Byte; bsRootDirEnts: Word; bsSectors: Word; bsMedia: Byte; bsFATSecs: Word; bsSecPerTrack: Word; bsHeads: Word; bsHiddensecs: Longint; bsHugeSectors: LongInt; bsDriveNumber: Byte; bsReserved: Byte; bsBootsignature: Byte; bsVolumeID: Array[0..3] of Byte; bsVolumeLabel: Array[0..10] of Char; bsFileSysType: Array[0..7] of Char; End; Const RWBlock: TRWBlock = (rwSpecFunc: 0; rwHead: 0; rwCylinder: 0; rwfirstSector: 0; rwSectors: 1; rwBufPtr: nil); Function ReadBootSector(Drive: Word; Var BootSector: TBootsector): Boolean; implementation Uses MsgForm; Function ReadBootSector(Drive: Word; Var BootSector: TBootsector): Boolean; Var Buffer: Array[0..1023] of Byte; Status: Word; Begin RWBlock.rwBufPtr := addr(Buffer); asm mov bx, Drive mov ch, 08h mov cl, 61h mov dx, seg RWBlock mov ds, dx mov dx, offset RWBlock mov ax, 440dh int 21h jc @Error_handler jmp @ok @Error_handler: mov Status, ax jmp @exit @ok: mov status, 0 @exit: End; ReadBootSector := Status = 0; If Status = 0 Then Move(Buffer, BootSector, SizeOf(TBootSector)); End; end. { ------------- ANOTHER WAY TO DO IT -------------------- } Type InfoBuffer = RECORD InfoLevel : WORD; Serial : DWord; VolLabel : ARRAY [0..10]OF CHAR; FileSystem : ARRAY [0..7]OF CHAR; End; Function TFMain.GetDiskSerNo(Drive : Byte) : String; Const HexDigits : ARRAY [0..15]OF CHAR = '0123456789ABCDEF'; Var IB : InfoBuffer; N : WORD; Function SerialStr (L : LONGINT) : String; Var Temp : String; Begin {Temp [0] := #9; } Temp [1] := HexDigits [L SHR 28]; Temp [2] := HexDigits [ (L SHR 24) AND $F]; Temp [3] := HexDigits [ (L SHR 20) AND $F]; Temp [4] := HexDigits [ (L SHR 16) AND $F]; Temp [5] := '-'; Temp [6] := HexDigits [ (L SHR 12) AND $F]; Temp [7] := HexDigits [ (L SHR 8) AND $F]; Temp [8] := HexDigits [ (L SHR 4) AND $F]; Temp [9] := HexDigits [L AND $F]; SerialStr := Temp; End; Function GetSerial (DiskNum : BYTE; VAR I : InfoBuffer) : WORD; assembler; asm MOV AH, 69h MOV AL, 00h MOV BL, DiskNum PUSH DS LDS DX, I {error here "Operand Size Mismatch I"} INT 21h POP DS JC @Bad XOR AX, AX @Bad : end; Begin N := GetSerial (Drive, IB); If N = 0 then Result := SerialStr (IB.Serial) else Result := 'Error Reading Disk'; End;