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How can I know if an application running or closing

Title: How can I know if an application running or closing? Question: How can I know if an application running or closing? Answer: To do this,Create a new project and write following codes, so run the project and see the result in the same folder that there is a Program.log file in it. at the same time,these codes can add in any pas file.if you do it then you must define the name of pas file under uses line on the project source. ----------- unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; const PrgLog : String[200] = 'Program.Log'; var Form1: TForm1; TXF : TextFile; implementation {$R *.DFM} Procedure STOP; begin //if Program.log file can not create MessageDlg( PrgLog+' could not create', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); Halt; end; Procedure SaveDateTime( fn:String; Alan:String ); begin // write to Program.log file if not FileExists( PrgLog ) then begin System.AssignFile(TXF, PrgLog ); {$I-}System.Rewrite(TXF);{$I+} if IOResult0 then STOP; System.Writeln(TXF, Application.ExeName+' '+Application.Title ); System.Writeln(TXF, '' ); System.Writeln(TXF, '+ '+DateTimeToStr(Now) ); System.CloseFile(TXF); end else begin System.AssignFile(TXF, PrgLog ); {$I-}System.Append(TXF);{$I+} if IOResult0 then STOP; System.Writeln(TXF, alan ); System.CloseFile(TXF); end; end; initialization begin // application is running PrgLog := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName)+'\'+PrgLog; SaveDateTime( PrgLog, '+ '+DateTimeToStr(Now) ); end; finalization begin // application is closing SaveDateTime( PrgLog, '- '+DateTimeToStr(Now) ); end; end.