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Hiding the taskbar

These procedures hide and show the Win95 Taskbar. I'd like to control whether or not all the items in the Start, like Program, Find, Help, appear or not from my application. Reason: my custumer does not want his employee opening other windows, only my application. My app should make them appear when closed. (I got them from ZD Tips) procedure hideTaskbar; var wndHandle : THandle; wndClass : array[0..50] of Char; begin StrPCopy(@wndClass[0], 'Shell_TrayWnd'); wndHandle := FindWindow(@wndClass[0], nil); ShowWindow(wndHandle, SW_HIDE); // This hides the taskbar end; procedure showTaskbar; var wndHandle : THandle; wndClass : array[0..50] of Char; begin StrPCopy(@wndClass[0], 'Shell_TrayWnd'); wndHandle := FindWindow(@wndClass[0], nil); ShowWindow(wndHandle, SW_RESTORE); // This restores the taskbar end;