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Hiding-showing the windows 95 taskbar

Use these functions to hide or show the Windows 95 taskbar programmatically from your Delphi application: procedure hideTaskbar; var wndHandle : THandle; wndClass : array[0..50] of Char; begin StrPCopy(@wndClass[0], 'Shell_TrayWnd'); wndHandle := FindWindow(@wndClass[0], nil); ShowWindow(wndHandle, SW_HIDE); // This hides the taskbarend; procedure showTaskbar; var wndHandle : THandle; wndClass : array[0..50] of Char; begin StrPCopy(@wndClass[0], 'Shell_TrayWnd'); wndHandle := FindWindow(@wndClass[0], nil); ShowWindow(wndHandle, SW_RESTORE); // This restores the taskbarend;