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Help on printer control codes

How do I send Printer Control Codes to the printer without having them translated into unprintable characters? Not sure if it is Windows API or Delphi is the culprit. When I write the printer control codes, they are just printed as unprintable characters rather than being interpreted by the printer. You need to use the Passthrough printer Escape function to send data directly to the printer. If you're using WriteLn, then it won't work. Here's some code to get you started: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit Passthru; interface uses printers, WinProcs, WinTypes, SysUtils; Procedure PrintTest; implementation Type TPassThroughData = Record nLen : Integer; Data : Array[0..255] of byte; end; Procedure DirectPrint(s : String); var PTBlock : TPassThroughData; Begin PTBlock.nLen := Length(s); StrPCopy(@PTBlock.Data,s); Escape(printer.handle, PASSTHROUGH,0,@PTBlock,nil); End; Procedure PrintTest; Begin Printer.BeginDoc; DirectPrint(CHR(27)+'&l1O'+'Hello, World!'); Printer.EndDoc; End; end.