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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Have an animated icon when the form is minimized

This little sample program uses four TImage components to hold the icons to be used. The icons are changed from a timer. Since you will not want to have the TImages visible on your screen, you should set their property Visible to false. In Windows 95/ NT, the animation will appear on the tray as expected. // This byte knows which icon is currently displayed const CurrentState : byte = 1; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if IsIconic(Application.Handle) then begin case CurrentState of 1: Application.Icon := Image1.Picture.Icon; 2: Application.Icon := Image2.Picture.Icon; 3: Application.Icon := Image3.Picture.Icon; 4: Application.Icon := Image4.Picture.Icon; end; { case } InvalidateRect(Application.Handle, nil, True); // critical! if CurrentState >= 4 then CurrentState := 1 else inc(CurrentState); end; end;