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Handling massive numbers

{ To the SWAG: I would like this version of my unit to replace the older version called 'Handling Massive Number functions' in the 'Math' snippet. If it is possible. } program BigNum; { BigNum v2.0, 16-bit by Jes R. Klinke Implements calculations on integers of arbitrary size. All operations necessary for cryptographic applications are provided. You may use this unit for whatever you want. But if you make a commercial product please at least send me a copy of it. New in version 2: * Dynamic size Each instance of TBigNum has just enough memory allocated to it to keep its current value. You don't have to specify a BigNumSize anymore. * Negative numbers Most of the calculations now support negative values. * More efficient calculations As each instance of TBigNum keeps track of how many words are actually used in it's value, only the necessary calculations are performed. This particularly speeds up the multiplication, as lots of MUL's with zero words are avoided. To do's: * 32-bit calculations on 386+ processors for better performance Any comment or bug reports are welcome. I am especially interested in knowing if there are sufficient demand for a 32-bit version. You can reach me at or My snail-mail address is Jes Rahbek Klinke Haandvaerkerhaven 3, 2. mf 2400 Copenhagen NV } uses Crt, Dos; type PWordArr = ^TWordArr; TWordArr = array [0..999] of Word; PBigNum = ^TBigNum; TBigNum = object Value: PWordArr; Alloc, Used: Word; Sign: Boolean; constructor Init; destructor Done; procedure Assign(const AValue: TBigNum); procedure AssignLong(AValue: LongInt); procedure Add(const AValue: TBigNum); procedure Subtract(const AValue: TBigNum); procedure Multiply(const AValue: TBigNum); function Divide(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; function Modulo(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; procedure PowerModulo(const AExponent, AModulo: TBigNum); procedure BitwiseOr(const AMask: TBigNum); function Compare(const AValue: TBigNum): Integer; procedure Mult10; procedure Div10; procedure Mult2; procedure Div2; function Str: string; function StrHex: string; procedure Val(const S: string); function AsLong: LongInt; procedure Swap(var AValue: TBigNum); { procedures working on absolute values only, mainly for internal use. } procedure AbsIncrement(By: Word); procedure AbsDecrement(By: Word); function AbsCompare(const AValue: TBigNum): Integer; procedure AbsAdd(const AValue: TBigNum); procedure AbsSubtract(const AValue: TBigNum); function AbsDivide(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; function AbsModulo(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; private { internal procedures for memory management } procedure Realloc(Words: Word; Preserve: Boolean); function Critical: Boolean; procedure CountUsed; end; constructor TBigNum.Init; begin Alloc := 0; Used := 0; end; destructor TBigNum.Done; begin FreeMem(Value, Alloc * SizeOf(Word)); end; procedure TBigNum.Assign(const AValue: TBigNum); begin if Alloc < AValue.Used then Realloc(AValue.Used, False); Used := AValue.Used; Move(AValue.Value^, Value^, Used shl 1); FillChar(Value^[Used], (Alloc - Used) shl 1, 0); Sign := AValue.Sign; end; procedure TBigNum.AssignLong(AValue: LongInt); begin if AValue < 0 then begin Sign := True; AValue := -AValue; end else Sign := False; if Alloc < 2 then Realloc(2, False); Move(AValue, Value^[0], SizeOf(LongInt));; Used := 2; if Alloc > Used then FillChar(Value^[Used], (Alloc - Used) shl 1, 0); CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.Add(const AValue: TBigNum); var MValue: TBigNum; begin if Sign xor AValue.Sign then if AbsCompare(AValue) >= 0 then AbsSubtract(AValue) else begin MValue.Init; MValue.Assign(AValue); TBigNum.Swap(MValue); AbsSubtract(MValue); MValue.Done; end else AbsAdd(AValue); end; procedure TBigNum.Subtract(const AValue: TBigNum); var MValue: TBigNum; begin if Sign xor AValue.Sign then AbsAdd(AValue) else if AbsCompare(AValue) >= 0 then AbsSubtract(AValue) else begin MValue.Init; MValue.Assign(AValue); TBigNum.Swap(MValue); AbsSubtract(MValue); MValue.Done; Sign := not Sign; end; end; procedure TBigNum.Multiply(const AValue: TBigNum); var Needed: Word; Result: PWordArr; SmallVal, BigVal: PWordArr; Small, Big, I: Integer; X: Word; begin if Used = 0 then Exit; if AValue.Used = 0 then begin Used := 0; Exit; end; Sign := Sign xor AValue.Sign; Needed := Used + AValue.Used + 1; GetMem(Result, Needed * SizeOf(Word)); FillChar(Result^, Needed * SizeOf(Word), 0); if Used > AValue.Used then begin SmallVal := AValue.Value; Small := AValue.Used; BigVal := Value; Big := Used; end else begin BigVal := AValue.Value; Big := AValue.Used; SmallVal := Value; Small := Used; end; asm PUSH DS CLD XOR DX,DX @@0:PUSH DX LES DI,SmallVal ADD DI,DX ADD DI,DX MOV AX,[ES:DI] LES DI,Result ADD DI,DX ADD DI,DX LDS SI,BigVal MOV CX,Big PUSH BP MOV BP,AX XOR DX,DX @@1:MOV BX,DX LODSW MUL BP ADD BX,AX ADC DX,0 MOV AX,[ES:DI] ADD AX,BX STOSW ADC DX,0 LOOP @@1 MOV AX,[ES:DI] ADD AX,DX STOSW POP BP POP DX INC DX CMP DX,Small JNE @@0 POP DS end; Realloc(Needed, False); Move(Result^, Value^, Needed * SizeOf(Word)); if Alloc - Needed > 0 then FillChar(Value^[Needed], (Alloc - Needed) * SizeOf(Word), 0); FreeMem(Result, Needed * SizeOf(Word)); CountUsed; end; { Note: At first sight, you might think, that Divide and Modulo gives wrong results for negative values. This depends on the definition of the quoient and remainder. The definition used by these routines is: Given the divident N and divisor D, the quotient Q and remainder R is then defined by the equation N = D * Q + R, where the absolute value of R is less then the absolute value of D and R have the same sign as D. This will prove to be very convinient.} function TBigNum.Divide(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; begin if Sign xor ADivisor.Sign then begin Subtract(ADivisor); AbsDecrement(1); AbsDivide(ADivisor); Sign := not Sign; end else begin AbsDivide(ADivisor); end; end; function TBigNum.Modulo(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; begin if Sign xor ADivisor.Sign then begin Subtract(ADivisor); AbsDecrement(1); AbsModulo(ADivisor); Add(ADivisor); AbsDecrement(1); end else begin AbsModulo(ADivisor); end; end; procedure TBigNum.PowerModulo(const AExponent, AModulo: TBigNum); var Result, A: TBigNum; I: Integer; begin if AExponent.Sign then RunError(201); Result.Init; A.Init; Result.AssignLong(1); A.Assign(Self); for I := 0 to AExponent.Used * 16 - 1 do begin if AExponent.Value^[I shr 4] and (1 shl (I and 15)) <> 0 then begin Result.Multiply(A); Result.Modulo(AModulo); end; A.Multiply(A); A.Modulo(AModulo); end; Assign(Result); A.Done; Result.Done; end; procedure TBigNum.BitwiseOr(const AMask: TBigNum); begin if AMask.Used > Used then Realloc(AMask.Used, True); asm PUSH DS LES DI,Self LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] LDS SI,AMask MOV CX,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Used] JCXZ @@1 LDS SI,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Value] CLD @@0:LODSW OR AX,[ES:DI] STOSW LOOP @@0 @@1:POP DS end; CountUsed; end; function TBigNum.Compare(const AValue: TBigNum): Integer; begin if Sign xor AValue.Sign then if Sign then Compare := -1 else Compare := 1 else if Sign then Compare := -AbsCompare(AValue) else Compare := AbsCompare(AValue); end; procedure TBigNum.Mult10; begin Realloc(Used + 1, True); asm LES DI,Self MOV CX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] JCXZ @@1 LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] XOR BX,BX CLD @@0:MOV AX,[ES:DI] MOV DX,10 MUL DX ADD AX,BX ADC DX,0 STOSW MOV BX,DX LOOP @@0 MOV [ES:DI],BX @@1: end; CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.Div10; begin asm LES DI,Self MOV CX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] JCXZ @@1 LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] MOV DX,CX DEC DX SHL DX,1 STD ADD DI,DX XOR DX,DX @@0:MOV AX,[ES:DI] MOV BX,10 DIV BX STOSW LOOP @@0 @@1: end; CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.Mult2; begin if Critical then begin Realloc(Used + 1, True); Used := Used + 1; end; asm LES DI,Self MOV CX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] JCXZ @@1 LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] CLC CLD @@0:MOV AX,[ES:DI] RCL AX,1 STOSW LOOP @@0 @@1: end; CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.Div2; begin asm LES DI,Self MOV CX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] JCXZ @@1 LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] MOV DX,CX DEC DX SHL DX,1 ADD DI,DX XOR DX,DX CLC STD @@0:MOV AX,[ES:DI] RCR AX,1 STOSW LOOP @@0 @@1: end; CountUsed; end; function TBigNum.Str: string; var M, T: TBigNum; Res: string; I, Ciffer: Integer; begin if Used = 0 then begin Str := '0'; Exit; end; M.Init; T.Init; M.Assign(Self); T.AssignLong(1); I := 0; while M.AbsCompare(T) >= 0 do begin T.Mult10; Inc(I); end; if I <= 1 then begin if Sign then Str := '-' + Char(Byte('0') + M.Value^[0]) else Str := Char(Byte('0') + M.Value^[0]); end else begin if Sign then Res := '-' else Res := ''; T.Div10; while I > 0 do begin Ciffer := 0; while (M.AbsCompare(T) >= 0) do begin M.AbsSubtract(T); Inc(Ciffer); end; Res := Res + Char(Byte('0') + Ciffer); Dec(I); T.Div10; end; Str := Res; end; T.Done; M.Done; end; function TBigNum.StrHex: string; const HexCif: array [0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var Res: string; I: Integer; HasBegun: Boolean; begin if Used = 0 then begin StrHex := '0'; Exit; end; HasBegun := False; if Sign then Res := '-' else Res := ''; for I := Used - 1 downto 0 do begin if HasBegun or (Value^[I] <> 0) then begin if HasBegun or (Value^[I] shr 12 and $F <> 0) then begin Res := Res + HexCif[Value^[I] shr 12 and $F]; HasBegun := True; end; if HasBegun or (Value^[I] shr 8 and $F <> 0) then begin Res := Res + HexCif[Value^[I] shr 8 and $F]; HasBegun := True; end; if HasBegun or (Value^[I] shr 4 and $F <> 0) then begin Res := Res + HexCif[Value^[I] shr 4 and $F]; HasBegun := True; end; Res := Res + HexCif[Value^[I] and $F]; HasBegun := True; end; end; StrHex := Res; end; procedure TBigNum.Val(const S: string); var I: Integer; begin Used := 0; if S[1] = '-' then begin Sign := True; I := 2; end else begin Sign := False; I := 1; end; while I <= Length(S) do begin Mult10; AbsIncrement(Byte(S[I]) - Byte('0')); Inc(I); end; end; function TBigNum.AsLong: LongInt; var Res: LongInt; begin if (Used > 2) or (Used = 2) and Critical then RunError(215); if Used = 2 then Res := Value^[1] shl 16 or Value^[0] else if Used = 1 then Res := Value^[0] else Res := 0; if Sign then AsLong := -Res else AsLong := Res; end; procedure TBigNum.Swap(var AValue: TBigNum); var MW: Word; MP: PWordArr; MB: Boolean; begin MW := Alloc; Alloc := AValue.Alloc; AValue.Alloc := MW; MW := Used; Used := AValue.Used; AValue.Used := MW; MP := Value; Value := AValue.Value; AValue.Value := MP; MB := Sign; Sign := AValue.Sign; AValue.Sign := MB; end; function TBigNum.AbsCompare(const AValue: TBigNum): Integer; begin if Used > AValue.Used then AbsCompare := 1 else if Used < AValue.Used then AbsCompare := -1 else asm PUSH DS LES DI,Self LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] LDS SI,AValue MOV CX,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Used] LDS SI,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Value] MOV DX,CX DEC DX SHL DX,1 ADD DI,DX ADD SI,DX STD REPZ CMPSW MOV @Result,0FFFFh JA @@1 MOV @Result,0000h JE @@1 MOV @Result,0001h @@1: POP DS end; end; procedure TBigNum.AbsIncrement(By: Word); begin if (Used = 0) or Critical then begin Inc(Used); Realloc(Used, True); end; asm LES DI,Self MOV CX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] DEC CX LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] CLD MOV AX,[ES:DI] ADD AX,By STOSW JCXZ @@1 @@0:MOV AX,[ES:DI] ADC AX,0 STOSW LOOP @@0 @@1: end; CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.AbsDecrement(By: Word); begin asm LES DI,Self MOV CX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] DEC CX LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] CLD MOV AX,ES:[DI] SUB AX,By STOSW JCXZ @@1 @@0:MOV AX,ES:[DI] SBB AX,0 STOSW LOOP @@0 @@1: end; CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.AbsAdd(const AValue: TBigNum); var RealAdds, ExtraAdds: Word; begin if AValue.Used >= Alloc then if AValue.Critical or (AValue.Used = Alloc) and (Alloc = Used) and Critical then Realloc(AValue.Used + 1, True) else if AValue.Used > Alloc then Realloc(AValue.Used, True) else if AValue.Used < Alloc then if (Used = Alloc) and Critical then Realloc(Used + 1, True); RealAdds := AValue.Used; ExtraAdds := Alloc - RealAdds; asm PUSH DS LES DI,Self LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] LDS SI,AValue LDS SI,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Value] MOV CX,RealAdds JCXZ @@2 CLD CLC @@0:LODSW ADC [ES:DI],AX INC DI INC DI LOOP @@0 MOV CX,ExtraAdds JCXZ @@2 @@1:ADC WORD PTR [ES:DI],0 INC DI INC DI LOOP @@1 @@2:POP DS end; CountUsed; end; procedure TBigNum.AbsSubtract(const AValue: TBigNum); begin asm PUSH DS LES DI,Self MOV DX,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Used] LES DI,[ES:DI.TBigNum.Value] LDS SI,AValue MOV CX,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Used] LDS SI,[DS:SI.TBigNum.Value] SUB DX,CX JCXZ @@2 CLD CLC @@0:LODSW SBB [ES:DI],AX INC DI INC DI LOOP @@0 MOV CX,DX JCXZ @@2 @@1:SBB WORD PTR [ES:DI],0 INC DI INC DI LOOP @@0 @@2:POP DS end; CountUsed; end; function TBigNum.AbsDivide(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; var Bit, Res, Divisor: TBigNum; NoRemainder: Boolean; begin if ADivisor.Used = 0 then RunError(200); Bit.Init; Res.Init; Divisor.Init; Divisor.Assign(ADivisor); NoRemainder := False; Bit.AssignLong(1); Res.AssignLong(0); while AbsCompare(Divisor) >= 0 do begin Bit.Mult2; Divisor.Mult2; end; while (Bit.Value^[0] and 1 = 0) and not NoRemainder do begin Bit.Div2; Divisor.Div2; case AbsCompare(Divisor) of 1: begin Res.BitwiseOr(Bit); AbsSubtract(Divisor); end; 0: begin NoRemainder := True; Res.BitwiseOr(Bit); AbsSubtract(Divisor); end; end; end; AbsDivide := NoRemainder; Assign(Res); Divisor.Done; Res.Done; Bit.Done; end; function TBigNum.AbsModulo(const ADivisor: TBigNum): Boolean; var Divisor: TBigNum; NoRemainder: Boolean; Count: Integer; begin if ADivisor.Used = 0 then RunError(200); Divisor.Init; Divisor.Assign(ADivisor); NoRemainder := False; Count := 0; while AbsCompare(Divisor) >= 0 do begin Inc(Count); Divisor.Mult2; end; while (Count <> 0) and not NoRemainder do begin Divisor.Div2; case AbsCompare(Divisor) of 1: begin AbsSubtract(Divisor); end; 0: begin NoRemainder := True; AbsSubtract(Divisor); end; end; Dec(Count); end; AbsModulo := NoRemainder; Divisor.Done; end; procedure TBigNum.Realloc(Words: Word; Preserve: Boolean); var NewValue: PWordArr; begin if Words <= Alloc then begin if Preserve then begin FillChar(Value^[Used], (Alloc - Used) shl 1, 0); end; Exit; end; if Preserve then begin GetMem(NewValue, Words * SizeOf(Word)); Move(Value^, NewValue^, Used shl 1); FillChar(NewValue^[Used], (Words - Used) shl 1, 0); FreeMem(Value, Alloc * SizeOf(Word)); Value := NewValue; Alloc := Words; end else begin FreeMem(Value, Alloc * SizeOf(Word)); Alloc := Words; GetMem(Value, Alloc * SizeOf(Word)); end; end; function TBigNum.Critical: Boolean; begin Critical := (Used > 0) and (Value^[Used - 1] and (1 shl (SizeOf(Word) * 8 - 1)) <> 0); end; procedure TBigNum.CountUsed; begin Used := Alloc; while (Used > 0) and (Value^[Used - 1] = 0) do Dec(Used); end; var BigA, BigB: TBigNum; I: Integer; begin BigA.Init; { Caution: Because of the new dynamic memory allocation } BigB.Init; { you have to use Init and Done. } WriteLn('Fibonacci numbers:'); BigA.Val('0'); BigB.Val('1'); for I := 1 to 370 do begin WriteLn(BigB.Str: 79); BigA.Add(BigB); BigA.Swap(BigB); end; WriteLn(BigB.Str: 79); WriteLn('Factorials:'); BigA.Val('1'); BigB.Val('1'); for I := 1 to 49 do begin WriteLn(BigA.Str: 70, ' = ', BigB.Str, '!'); BigB.AbsIncrement(1); BigA.Multiply(BigB); end; for I := 1 to 49 do begin WriteLn(BigA.Str: 70, ' = ', BigB.Str, '!'); BigA.Divide(BigB); BigB.AbsDecrement(1); end; WriteLn(BigA.Str: 70, ' = ', BigB.Str, '!'); WriteLn('Powers of 2:'); BigA.Val('1'); BigB.Val('-2'); for I := 1 to 250 do begin WriteLn(BigA.Str: 79); BigA.Multiply(BigB); end; for I := 1 to 250 do begin WriteLn(BigA.Str: 79); BigA.Divide(BigB); end; WriteLn(BigA.Str: 79); BigB.Done; BigA.Done; Write('Press enter to exit.'); ReadLn; end.