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Categories / Delphi / Examples


From: Steven <> At 04:18 PM 3/15/99 +0700, you wrote: > dear Miliser > >i have 12 checboxes in a groupbox >is there a way that i can know which checkbox is checked >and when it's checked , i want to change it's tag and enabled property > >also can i know which checkbox is clicked in a groupbox > > thanks in advance > > Hi Willi, Of course you can by following this methods. var I: Integer; C: TCheckBox; begin for I:=0 to MyGroupBox.ControlCount-1 do begin if MyGroupBox.Controls[I] if TCheckBox then begin C:=MyGroupBox.Controls[I] as TCheckBox; if C.Checked then begin // put your codes here end; end; end; end;