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unit quaddraw; //Kristian Whittick, September 2000 //as a much-appreciated favour for Richard Ebbs, EMIS //Fill Random Quadrilateral Shape With Colour Gradient //This is less of a simple task than it might first appear to be //the QuadrilateralGradFill routine needs to take account of //quadrilateral shapes that possibly 'cross-over' (so that they //look like two end-to-end triangles) and the 'colour gradient' //code needs to take account of possible rounding errors, etc interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls; type TMainForm = class(TForm) Image: TImage; NewShapeButton: TBitBtn; ExitButton: TButton; procedure NewShapeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); private {private declarations} public {public declarations} procedure QuadrilateralGradFill(thisCanvas : TCanvas; StartColor, EndColor : TColor; pts : array of Tpoint); end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMainForm.NewShapeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var p1 : Tpoint; p2 : Tpoint; p3 : Tpoint; p4 : Tpoint; begin p1.x := Random(400); p2.x := Random(400); p3.x := Random(400); p4.x := Random(400); p1.y := Random(400); p2.y := Random(400); p3.y := Random(400); p4.y := Random(400); QuadrilateralGradFill(self.Canvas, clRed, clBlue, [p1, p2, p3, p4]); end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.QuadrilateralGradFill(thisCanvas : TCanvas; StartColor, EndColor : TColor; pts : array of Tpoint); type Edge = record X : Integer; s : Boolean; end; var Ct : Integer; cty: Integer; Miny : Integer; Maxy : Integer; Minyidx : Integer; Maxyidx : Integer; leftX : Edge; rightX : Edge; FourX : array[0..3] of Edge; Colchange : single; NewRed, NewGreen, NewBlue: Byte; StartRed, StartGreen, StartBlue: Byte; DiffRed, DiffGreen, DiffBlue : Integer; function FindXintersect(Pt1, pt2 : Tpoint; height : Integer) : Edge; begin result.s := FALSE; if pt1.y = pt2.y then exit; if (height > pt1.y) and (height > pt2.y) then exit; if (height < pt1.y) and (height < pt2.y) then exit; result.x := round((pt2.x - pt1.x) * (height - pt1.y) / (pt2.y - pt1.y) + pt1.x); result.s := True; end; begin //if less than three sides exit... //find Min and Max in 'y' direction for Ct := 0 to 3 do begin if Ct = 0 then begin Miny := pts[ct].Y; Maxy := pts[ct].Y; end else begin if pts[ct].y > Maxy then Maxy := pts[ct].Y else if pts[ct].y < Miny then Miny := pts[ct].Y end; end; //there is nothing to do if the top and bottom are the same... if miny >= maxy then exit; DiffRed := GetRValue(EndColor) - GetRValue(StartColor); DiffGreen := GetGValue(EndColor) - GetGValue(StartColor); DiffBlue := GetBValue(EndColor) - GetBValue(StartColor); for cty := miny to maxy do begin FourX[0] := FindXintersect(pts[0], pts[1], Cty); FourX[1] := FindXintersect(pts[1], pts[2], Cty); FourX[2] := FindXintersect(pts[2], pts[3], Cty); FourX[3] := FindXintersect(pts[3], pts[0], Cty); leftX.s := FALSE; rightX.s := FALSE; for Ct := 0 to 3 do if FourX[ct].s then begin if not leftX.s then begin leftX.x := FourX[ct].x; leftX.s := TRUE; end else if FourX[ct].x < leftX.x then begin leftX.x := FourX[ct].x; leftX.s := TRUE; end; if not rightX.s then begin rightX.x := FourX[ct].x; rightX.s := TRUE; end else if FourX[ct].x > rightX.x then begin rightX.x := FourX[ct].x; rightX.s := TRUE; end; end; if leftX.s and rightX.s then begin Colchange := (cty - miny) / (maxy - miny); NewRed := Round(DiffRed * Colchange) + GetRValue(StartColor); NewGreen := Round(DiffGreen * Colchange) + GetGValue(StartColor); NewBlue := Round(DiffBlue * Colchange) + GetBValue(StartColor); ThisCanvas.Pen.Color := RGB(NewRed, NewGreen, NewBlue); ThisCanvas.MoveTo(leftX.x, cty); ThisCanvas.LineTo(rightX.x, cty); end; end; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; ////// end.