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Gif image component

unit xGif; {$D-} {Freeware GIF image component Based on GifUtl.pas (c)1993 Sean Wenzel Compuserve 71736,1245 Converted to Delphi by Richard Dominelli Converted to Delphi 2 and made into an image component by Richard Shotbolt Compuserve 100327,2305 enhance component as a descendant from TBitmap and register the GIF file format so it's ideal for include it in the xTools CompuServe 100023,275 Now you can Load bitmaps from by Stefan Böther Left Open : - Also store the format via SaveToStream override so the GIF format can be used in blob formats also ! - GIF 89a format not work propably - use real gif transarency for TransparentColor property instead of lower-left pixel - support of new PNG format Before using the GIF format in any commercial application be sure you know the legal issuees for this format !!! } interface uses Windows, Forms, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics; type TGifBitmap = class(TBitmap) public procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; end; type EGifException = class(Exception) end; implementation uses Math; const { image descriptor bit masks } idLocalColorTable = $80; { set if a local color table follows } idInterlaced = $40; { set if image is interlaced } idSort = $20; { set if color table is sorted } idReserved = $0C; { reserved - must be set to $00 } idColorTableSize = $07; { size of color table as above } Trailer: byte = $3B; { indicates the end of the GIF data stream } ExtensionIntroducer: byte = $21; MAXSCREENWIDTH = 800; ImageSeparator: byte = $2C; { logical screen descriptor packed field masks } lsdGlobalColorTable = $80; { set if global color table follows L.S.D. } lsdColorResolution = $70; { Color resolution - 3 bits } lsdSort = $08; { set if global color table is sorted - 1 bit } lsdColorTableSize = $07; { size of global color table - 3 bits } { Actual size = 2^value+1 - value is 3 bits } BlockTerminator: byte = 0; { terminates stream of data blocks } MAXCODES = 4095; { the maximum number of different codes 0 inclusive } { error constants } geNoError = 0; { no errors found } geNoFile = 1; { gif file not found } geNotGIF = 2; { file is not a gif file } geNoGlobalColor = 3; { no Global Color table found } geImagePreceded = 4; { image descriptor preceeded by other unknown data } geEmptyBlock = 5; { Block has no data } geUnExpectedEOF = 6; { unexpected EOF } geBadCodeSize = 7; { bad code size } geBadCode = 8; { Bad code was found } geBitSizeOverflow = 9; { bit size went beyond 12 bits } geNoBMP = 10; { Could not make BMP file } ErrName: Array[1..10] of string = ( 'GIF file not found', 'Not a GIF file', 'Missing color table', 'Bad data', 'No data', 'Unexpected EOF', 'Bad code size', 'Bad code', 'Bad bit size', 'Bad bitmap'); CodeMask: array[0..12] of Word = ( { bit masks for use with Next code } 0, $0001, $0003, $0007, $000F, $001F, $003F, $007F, $00FF, $01FF, $03FF, $07FF, $0FFF); type TDataSubBlock = packed record Size: byte; { size of the block -- 0 to 255 } Data: array[1..255] of byte; { the data } end; type THeader = packed record Signature: array[0..2] of char; { contains 'GIF' } Version: array[0..2] of char; { '87a' or '89a' } end; TLogicalScreenDescriptor = packed record ScreenWidth: word; { logical screen width } ScreenHeight: word; { logical screen height } PackedFields: byte; { packed fields - see below } BackGroundColorIndex: byte; { index to global color table } AspectRatio: byte; { actual ratio = (AspectRatio + 15) / 64 } end; type TColorItem = packed record { one item a a color table } Red: byte; Green: byte; Blue: byte; end; TColorTable = packed array[0..255] of TColorItem; { the color table } type TImageDescriptor = packed record Separator: byte; { fixed value of ImageSeparator } ImageLeftPos: word; { Column in pixels in respect to left edge of logical screen } ImageTopPos: word; { row in pixels in respect to top of logical screen } ImageWidth: word; { width of image in pixels } ImageHeight: word; { height of image in pixels } PackedFields: byte; { see below } end; { other extension blocks not currently supported by this unit - Graphic Control extension - Comment extension I'm not sure what will happen if these blocks - Plain text extension are encountered but it'll be interesting - application extension } type TExtensionBlock = packed record Introducer: byte; { fixed value of ExtensionIntroducer } ExtensionLabel: byte; BlockSize: byte; end; PCodeItem = ^TCodeItem; TCodeItem = packed record Code1, Code2: byte; end; {===============================================================} { Bitmap File Structs {===============================================================} type GraphicLine = packed array [0..2048] of byte; PBmLine = ^TBmpLinesStruct; TBmpLinesStruct = packed record LineData : GraphicLine; LineNo : Integer; end; type { This is the actual gif object } PGif = ^TGif; TGif = class(TObject) private FStream : TStream; { the file stream for the gif file } Header : THeader; { gif file header } LogicalScreen : TLogicalScreenDescriptor; { gif screen descriptor } GlobalColorTable : TColorTable; { global color table } LocalColorTable : TColorTable; { local color table } ImageDescriptor : TImageDescriptor; { image descriptor } UseLocalColors : boolean; { true if local colors in use } Interlaced : boolean; { true if image is interlaced } LZWCodeSize : Byte; { minimum size of the LZW codes in bits } ImageData : TDataSubBlock; { variable to store incoming gif data } TableSize : Word; { number of entrys in the color table } BitsLeft, BytesLeft : Integer; { bits left in byte - bytes left in block } BadCodeCount : word; { bad code counter } CurrCodeSize : Integer; { Current size of code in bits } ClearCode : Integer; { Clear code value } EndingCode : Integer; { ending code value } Slot : Word; { position that the next new code is to be added } TopSlot : Word; { highest slot position for the current code size } HighCode : Word; { highest code that does not require decoding } NextByte : Integer; { the index to the next byte in the datablock array } CurrByte : Byte; { the current byte } DecodeStack : array[0..MAXCODES] of byte; { stack for the decoded codes } Prefix : array[0..MAXCODES] of integer; { array for code prefixes } Suffix : array[0..MAXCODES] of integer; { array for code suffixes } LineBuffer : GraphicLine; { array for buffer line output } CurrentX, CurrentY : Integer; { current screen locations } Status : Word; InterlacePass : byte; { interlace pass number } {Conversion Routine Vars} BmHeader : TBitmapInfoHeader; {File Header for bitmap file} ImageLines: TList; {Image data} {Member Functions} procedure ParseMem; function NextCode: word; { returns the next available code } procedure Error(ErrCode: integer); procedure InitCompressionStream; { initializes info for decode } procedure ReadSubBlock; { reads a data subblock from the stream } procedure CreateLine; procedure CreateBitHeader; {Takes the gif header information and converts it to BMP} procedure Decode; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); end; (* function Power(A, N: real): real; { returns A raised to the power of N } begin Power := exp(N * ln(A)); end; *) { TGifBitmap } procedure TGifBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); var aBitmap : TBitmap; aGif : TGif; aStream : TMemoryStream; begin aGif := TGif.Create; try aGif.LoadFromStream(Stream); aStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; try aGif.SaveToStream(aStream); aBitmap:=TBitmap.Create; aBitmap.LoadFromStream(aStream); Assign(aBitmap); finally aStream.Free; end; finally aGif.Free; end; end; { TGif } constructor TGif.Create; begin FStream := nil; ImageLines := TList.Create; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TGif.Destroy; begin ImageLines.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin FStream:=Stream; { Converts GIF file to bitstream } ParseMem; { Create the bitmap header info } CreateBitHeader; { Decode the GIF } Decode; (* WriteBitmapToStream; *) end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {Raise exception with a message} procedure TGif.Error(ErrCode: integer); begin raise EGifException.Create(ErrName[ErrCode]); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.ParseMem; {Decodes the header and palette info} begin FStream.Read(Header, sizeof(Header)); { read the header } {Stupid validation tricks} if Header.Signature <> 'GIF' then Error(geNotGif); { is vaild signature } {Decode the header information} FStream.Read(LogicalScreen, sizeof(LogicalScreen)); if LogicalScreen.PackedFields and lsdGlobalColorTable = lsdGlobalColorTable then begin TableSize := Trunc(intPower(2,(LogicalScreen.PackedFields and lsdColorTableSize)+1)); FStream.Read(GlobalColorTable, TableSize*sizeof(TColorItem)); { read Global Color Table } end else Error(geNoGlobalColor); {Done with Global Headers} {Image specific headers} FStream.Read(ImageDescriptor, sizeof(ImageDescriptor)); { read image descriptor } {Decode image header info} if ImageDescriptor.Separator <> ImageSeparator then { verify that it is the descriptor } Error(geImagePreceded); {Check for local color table} if ImageDescriptor.PackedFields and idLocalColorTable = idLocalColorTable then begin { if local color table } TableSize := Trunc(intPower(2,(ImageDescriptor.PackedFields and idColorTableSize)+1)); FStream.Read(LocalColorTable, TableSize*sizeof(TColorItem)); { read Local Color Table } UseLocalColors := True; end else UseLocalColors := False; {Check for interlaced} if ImageDescriptor.PackedFields and idInterlaced = idInterlaced then begin Interlaced := true; InterlacePass := 0; end; {End of image header stuff} {Reset then Expand capacity of the Image Lines list} ImageLines.Clear; ImageLines.Capacity := ImageDescriptor.ImageHeight; if (FStream = nil) then { check for stream error } Error(geNoFile); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.InitCompressionStream; begin {InitGraphics;} { Initialize the graphics display } FStream.Read(LZWCodeSize, sizeof(byte)); { get minimum code size } if not (LZWCodeSize in [2..9]) then { valid code sizes 2-9 bits } Error(geBadCodeSize); CurrCodeSize := succ(LZWCodeSize); { set the initial code size } ClearCode := 1 shl LZWCodeSize; { set the clear code } EndingCode := succ(ClearCode); { set the ending code } HighCode := pred(ClearCode); { set the highest code not needing decoding } BytesLeft := 0; { clear other variables } BitsLeft := 0; CurrentX := 0; CurrentY := 0; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.ReadSubBlock; begin FStream.Read(ImageData.Size, sizeof(ImageData.Size)); { get the data block size } if ImageData.Size = 0 then Error(geEmptyBlock); { check for empty block } FStream.Read(ImageData.Data, ImageData.Size); { read in the block } NextByte := 1; { reset next byte } BytesLeft := ImageData.Size; { reset bytes left } end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TGif.NextCode: word; { returns a code of the proper bit size } begin if BitsLeft = 0 then { any bits left in byte ? } begin { any bytes left } if BytesLeft <= 0 then { if not get another block } ReadSubBlock; CurrByte := ImageData.Data[NextByte]; { get a byte } Inc(NextByte); { set the next byte index } BitsLeft := 8; { set bits left in the byte } Dec(BytesLeft); { decrement the bytes left counter } end; Result := CurrByte shr (8 - BitsLeft); { shift off any previosly used bits} while CurrCodeSize > BitsLeft do { need more bits ? } begin if BytesLeft <= 0 then { any bytes left in block ? } ReadSubBlock; { if not read in another block } CurrByte := ImageData.Data[NextByte]; { get another byte } inc(NextByte); { increment NextByte counter } Result := Result or (CurrByte shl BitsLeft); { add the remaining bits to the return value } BitsLeft := BitsLeft + 8; { set bit counter } Dec(BytesLeft); { decrement bytesleft counter } end; BitsLeft := BitsLeft - CurrCodeSize; { subtract the code size from bitsleft } Result := Result and CodeMask[CurrCodeSize];{ mask off the right number of bits } end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.Decode; { this procedure actually decodes the GIF image } var SP: integer; { index to the decode stack } { local procedure that decodes a code and puts it on the decode stack } procedure DecodeCode(var Code: word); begin while Code > HighCode do { rip thru the prefix list placing suffixes } begin { onto the decode stack } DecodeStack[SP] := Suffix[Code]; { put the suffix on the decode stack } inc(SP); { increment decode stack index } Code := Prefix[Code]; { get the new prefix } end; DecodeStack[SP] := Code; { put the last code onto the decode stack } Inc(SP); { increment the decode stack index } end; var TempOldCode, OldCode: word; BufCnt: word; { line buffer counter } Code, C: word; CurrBuf: word; { line buffer index } MaxVal: boolean; begin InitCompressionStream; { Initialize decoding paramaters } OldCode := 0; SP := 0; BufCnt := ImageDescriptor.ImageWidth; { set the Image Width } CurrBuf := 0; MaxVal := False; C := NextCode; { get the initial code - should be a clear code } while C <> EndingCode do { main loop until ending code is found } begin if C = ClearCode then { code is a clear code - so clear } begin CurrCodeSize := LZWCodeSize + 1; { reset the code size } Slot := EndingCode + 1; { set slot for next new code } TopSlot := 1 shl CurrCodeSize; { set max slot number } while C = ClearCode do C := NextCode; { read until all clear codes gone - shouldn't happen } if C = EndingCode then Error(geBadCode); { ending code after a clear code } if C >= Slot then { if the code is beyond preset codes then set to zero } C := 0; OldCode := C; DecodeStack[sp] := C; { output code to decoded stack } inc(SP); { increment decode stack index } end else { the code is not a clear code or an ending code so it must } begin { be a code code - so decode the code } Code := C; if Code < Slot then { is the code in the table? } begin DecodeCode(Code); { decode the code } if Slot <= TopSlot then begin { add the new code to the table } Suffix[Slot] := Code; { make the suffix } PreFix[slot] := OldCode; { the previous code - a link to the data } inc(Slot); { increment slot number } OldCode := C; { set oldcode } end; if Slot >= TopSlot then { have reached the top slot for bit size } begin { increment code bit size } if CurrCodeSize < 12 then { new bit size not too big? } begin TopSlot := TopSlot shl 1; { new top slot } inc(CurrCodeSize) { new code size } end else MaxVal := True; { Must check next code is a start code } end; end else begin { the code is not in the table } if Code <> Slot then Error(geBadCode); { so error out } { the code does not exist so make a new entry in the code table and then translate the new code } TempOldCode := OldCode; { make a copy of the old code } while OldCode > HighCode do { translate the old code and place it } begin { on the decode stack } DecodeStack[SP] := Suffix[OldCode]; { do the suffix } OldCode := Prefix[OldCode]; { get next prefix } end; DecodeStack[SP] := OldCode; { put the code onto the decode stack } { but DO NOT increment stack index } { the decode stack is not incremented because because we are only translating the oldcode to get the first character } if Slot <= TopSlot then begin { make new code entry } Suffix[Slot] := OldCode; { first char of old code } Prefix[Slot] := TempOldCode; { link to the old code prefix } inc(Slot); { increment slot } end; if Slot >= TopSlot then { slot is too big } begin { increment code size } if CurrCodeSize < 12 then begin TopSlot := TopSlot shl 1; { new top slot } inc(CurrCodeSize); { new code size } end else MaxVal := True; { Must check next code is a start code } end; DecodeCode(Code); { now that the table entry exists decode it } OldCode := C; { set the new old code } end; end; { the decoded string is on the decode stack so pop it off and put it into the line buffer } while SP > 0 do begin dec(SP); LineBuffer[CurrBuf] := DecodeStack[SP]; inc(CurrBuf); dec(BufCnt); if BufCnt = 0 then { is the line full ? } begin CreateLine; CurrBuf := 0; BufCnt := ImageDescriptor.ImageWidth; end; end; C := NextCode; { get the next code and go at is some more } if (MaxVal = True) and (C <> ClearCode) then Error(geBitSizeOverflow); MaxVal := False; end; { while } end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.CreateBitHeader; { This routine takes the values from the GIF image descriptor and fills in the appropriate values in the bit map header struct. } begin with BmHeader do begin biSize := Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader); biWidth := ImageDescriptor.ImageWidth; biHeight := ImageDescriptor.ImageHeight; biPlanes := 1; {Arcane and rarely used} biBitCount := 8; {Hmmm Should this be hardcoded ?} biCompression := BI_RGB; {Sorry Did not implement compression in this version} biSizeImage := 0; {Valid since we are not compressing the image} biXPelsPerMeter :=143; {Rarely used very arcane field} biYPelsPerMeter :=143; {Ditto} biClrUsed := 0; {all colors are used} biClrImportant := 0; {all colors are important} end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {fills in Line list with current line} procedure TGif.CreateLine; var p: PBmLine; begin Application.ProcessMessages; {Create a new bmp line} New(p); {Fill in the data} p^.LineData := LineBuffer; p^.LineNo := CurrentY; {Add it to the list of lines} ImageLines.Add(p); {Prepare for the next line} Inc(CurrentY); if InterLaced then { Interlace support } begin case InterlacePass of 0: CurrentY := CurrentY + 7; 1: CurrentY := CurrentY + 7; 2: CurrentY := CurrentY + 3; 3: CurrentY := CurrentY + 1; end; if CurrentY >= ImageDescriptor.ImageHeight then begin Inc(InterLacePass); case InterLacePass of 1: CurrentY := 4; 2: CurrentY := 2; 3: CurrentY := 1; end; end; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGif.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); var BitFile: TBitmapFileHeader; i: integer; Line: integer; ch: char; p: PBmLine; x: integer; begin with BitFile do begin bfSize := (3*255) + Sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader) + {Color map info} Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader) + (ImageDescriptor.ImageHeight*ImageDescriptor.ImageWidth); bfReserved1 := 0; {not currently used} bfReserved2 := 0; {not currently used} bfOffBits := (4*256)+ Sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader)+ Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader); end; {Write the file header} with Stream do begin Position:=0; ch:='B'; Write(ch,1); ch:='M'; Write(ch,1); Write(BitFile.bfSize,sizeof(BitFile.bfSize)); Write(BitFile.bfReserved1,sizeof(BitFile.bfReserved1)); Write(BitFile.bfReserved2,sizeof(BitFile.bfReserved2)); Write(BitFile.bfOffBits,sizeof(BitFile.bfOffBits)); {Write the bitmap image header info} Write(BmHeader,sizeof(BmHeader)); {Write the BGR palete inforamtion to this file} if UseLocalColors then {Use the local color table} begin for i:= 0 to 255 do begin Write(LocalColorTable[i].Blue,1); Write(LocalColorTable[i].Green,1); Write(LocalColorTable[i].Red,1); Write(ch,1); {Bogus palete entry required by windows} end; end else {Use the global table} begin for i:= 0 to 255 do begin Write(GlobalColorTable[i].Blue,1); Write(GlobalColorTable[i].Green,1); Write(GlobalColorTable[i].Red,1); Write(ch,1); {Bogus palete entry required by windows} end; end; {Init the Line Counter} Line := ImageDescriptor.ImageHeight; {Write out File lines in reverse order} while Line >= 0 do begin {Go through the line list in reverse order looking for the current Line. Use reverse order since non interlaced gifs are stored top to bottom. Bmp file need to be written bottom to top} for i := (ImageLines.Count - 1) downto 0 do begin p := ImageLines.Items[i]; if p^.LineNo = Line then begin x := ImageDescriptor.ImageWidth; Write(p^.LineData, x); ch := chr(0); while (x and 3) <> 0 do { Pad up to 4-byte boundary with zeroes } begin Inc(x); Write(ch, 1); end; break; end; end; Dec(Line); end; Position:=0; { reset mewmory stream} end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} initialization { register the TGifBitmap as a new graphic file format now all the TPicture storage stuff can access our new GIF graphic format ! } TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('gif','GIF-Format', TGifBitmap); end.