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SEE AT END FOR THE PIECE OF PISS METHOD... {first declare this procedure just after the word 'implementation'...} {$IFDEF WIN32} function GetVersionEx(lpOs : pointer) : BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32' name 'GetVersionExA'; {$ENDIF} procedure GetWindowsVersion(var Major: Integer; var Minor: Integer); {the code here (to FIND THE WINDOWS VERSION) is fiddly but it works...} var {$IFDEF WIN32} lpOS, lpOS2: POsVersionInfo; {$ELSE} l: longint; {$ENDIF} Win95OK: Boolean; begin Win95OK := False; {$IFDEF WIN32} GetMem(lpOS, SizeOf(TOsVersionInfo)); lpOs^.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOsVersionInfo); while getVersionEx(lpOS) = false do begin GetMem(lpos2, lpos^.dwOSVersionInfoSize + 1); lpOs2^.dwOSVersionInfoSize := lpOs^.dwOSVersionInfoSize + 1; FreeMem(lpOs, lpOs^.dwOSVersionInfoSize); lpOS := lpOs2; end; Major := lpOs^.dwMajorVersion; Minor := lpOs^.dwMinorVersion; {note that at this point we can also look at dwPlatformId like this: if (lpOS^.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) then Win95OK := True else Win95OK := False;} FreeMem(lpOs, lpOs^.dwOSVersionInfoSize); {$ELSE} l := GetVersion; Major := LoByte(LoWord(l)); Minor := HiByte(LoWord(l)); {$ENDIF} end; {FUNCTION THAT CALLS THE FUNCTION ABOVE...} procedure TInstallForm.GoButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var Win95OK: Boolean; Major : Integer; Minor : Integer; tempString: String; begin {Win95OK := GetWindows95; if (Win95OK = False) then ShowMessage('Not Windows 98');} GetWindowsVersion(Major, Minor); tempString := 'Windows Major Version: ' + IntToStr(Major); ShowMessage(tempString); tempString := 'Windows Minor Version: ' + IntToStr(Minor); ShowMessage(tempString); end; THE METHOD BELOW IS SUFFICIENT FOR CHECKING WHETHER THE USER IS RUNNING WINDOWS 95 OR LATER... function TInstallForm.GetWindows95: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF WIN32} Result := True; {$ELSE} Result := False; {$ENDIF} end;