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Getvolumeinformation parameters

Hi > From: Henry Holland <hholland@CNO.COM.BR> > Can someone perhaps give me the pascal translation of the > GetVolumeInformation C-function? I'm not exactly sure how to > implement these windows API functions - which parameters are > variable? Here's a little bit of what I used. Does it make any sense? procedure YaddaYaddaYadda; VAR RootPathBuf, VolNameBuf,FileSysNameBuf : PChar; NameBufSize, VolSerialNumber, MaxFileNameLength,FileSysFlags : dword; Begin NameBufSize := 256; RootPathBuf := StrAlloc(NameBufSize); VolNameBuf := StrAlloc(NameBufSize); FileSysNameBuf := StrAlloc(NameBufSize); RootPathBuf := 'A:\'; IF GetVolumeInformation(RootPathBuf,VolNameBuf,NameBufSize, @VolSerialNumber,MaxFileNameLength, FileSysFlags,FileSysNameBuf,NameBufSize) THEN Begin Whatever; End; StrDispose(RootPathBuf); StrDispose(VolNameBuf); StrDispose(FileSysNameBuf); end;