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Getting the date and time stamp of a date

function FileDateTime( const cFileName:string ; cDateTime: char ) : string ; { accepts filename in a string and the cDateTime case/type to return } var iFile : integer ; {handle to open file} fBuff : TOfStruct ; {Win API structure for file information} cDate : string ; {actually holds the file Date and Time} tDate : tDateTime ; {Delphi type actually a double} iTime : longInt ; aName : array [0..99] of char ; {easy pre-sized pChar type } begin {help to find actual path} if cFileName = 'Children.dbf' then strPCopy( aName, '\aDelph16\Stella\Data\' + cFileName ) else strPCopy( aName, cFileName ) ; try iFile := _lopen( aName, OF_SHARE_COMPAT ); iTime := FileGetDate(iFile); tDate := FileDateToDateTime( iTime); cDate := DateTimeToStr( tDate ); { showMessage( 'Date/time ' +cTime ); } case cDateTime OF {Date, Time, Both} 'D' : FileDateTime := copy(cDate, 1, pos(' ', cDate)-1) ; 'T' : FileDateTime := copy(cDate, length(cDate)-8, length(cDate)) ; 'B' : FileDateTime := cDate ; end ; _lclose(iFile) ; except showMessage('FileDateTime FAILED'); end end ;