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Getting rid of title bar

Procedure TYourFormName.HideTitlebar; Var Save : LongInt; Begin If BorderStyle=bsNone then Exit; Save:=GetWindowLong(Handle,gwl_Style); If (Save and ws_Caption)=ws_Caption then Begin Case BorderStyle of bsSingle, bsSizeable : SetWindowLong(Handle,gwl_Style,Save and (Not(ws_Caption)) or ws_border); bsDialog : SetWindowLong(Handle,gwl_Style,Save and (Not(ws_Caption)) or ds_modalframe or ws_dlgframe); End; Height:=Height-getSystemMetrics(sm_cyCaption); Refresh; End; end; Procedure TYourFormName.ShowTitlebar; Var Save : LongInt; begin If BorderStyle=bsNone then Exit; Save:=GetWindowLong(Handle,gwl_Style); If (Save and ws_Caption)<>ws_Caption then Begin Case BorderStyle of bsSingle, bsSizeable : SetWindowLong(Handle,gwl_Style,Save or ws_Caption or ws_border); bsDialog : SetWindowLong(Handle,gwl_Style,Save or ws_Caption or ds_modalframe or ws_dlgframe); End; Height:=Height+getSystemMetrics(sm_cyCaption); Refresh; End; end;