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Getting file size

Here, I've thrown together two routines from code I wrote for an application that keeps track of certain network files to make sure that they don't grow too big. Yehah! I finally get to help someone!!! function ReturnFileSize(TheFileName:string):LongInt; var Srec : TSearchRec; begin // TheFileName must include the full path if findfirst(TheFileName, faanyfile, srec) = 0 then Result := SRec.Size else Result := 0; end; or return the MB (megabyte) size with: function ReturnMBFileSize(TheFileName:string):Real; var Srec : TSearchRec; begin // TheFileName must include the full path if findfirst(TheFileName, faanyfile, srec) = 0 then Result := SRec.Size / 1048576 else Result := 0; end;