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Getting an environment

>The GetEnvironmentVariable function retrieves the value of the specified variable from the environment block >of the calling process. The value is in the form of a null-terminated string of characters. >DWORD GetEnvironmentVariable( > LPCTSTR lpName, // address of environment variable name > LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of buffer for variable value > DWORD nSize // size of buffer, in characters > ); >Parameters >lpName >Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the environment variable. >lpBuffer Here is a simple unit I cooked for delphi 32 bit. It will give you the whole environment in the form of a string list. then , you can access it as usual env:=tenvironment.create; a:=env.values['PATH];; etc etc look up the values property of tstrings for more info. -------------------------- cut here unit uenv; Interface uses windows,classes; type tenvironment=class(tstringlist) constructor create; end; implementation constructor tenvironment.create; var base,p:pchar; a:string; begin inherited create; base:=GetEnvironmentStrings; <--- for 16-bits, change to GetDosEnvironment. if base=nil then exit; p:=base; while p^<>#0 do begin a:=p; <-- for 16-bit change this to a:=strpas(p); add(a); p:=p+length(a)+1; end; FreeEnvironmentStrings(base); end;