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GetSet a Text (Memo) from another application

Title: Get/Set a Text (Memo) from another application. Question: Did you face a situation where you need to copy/paste some text from another application to your application (we are not talking about OLE)? Answer: Here is the code: Function GetOtherWindowMemoText(const sCaption : String) : WideString; var hWindow : THandle; hChild : THandle; aTemp : array[0..5000] of Char; sClassName : String; begin Result := ''; hWindow := FindWindow(Nil,PChar(sCaption)); if hWindow = 0 then begin ShowMessage('Could NOT find the other program'); exit; end; hChild := GetWindow(hWindow, GW_CHILD); while hChild 0 do Begin if GetClassName(hChild, aTemp, SizeOf(aTemp)) 0 then begin sClassName := StrPAS(aTemp); if sClassName = 'Edit' then begin SendMessage(hChild,WM_GETTEXT,SizeOf(aTemp),Integer(@aTemp)); Result := StrPAS(aTemp); end; end; hChild := GetWindow(hChild, GW_HWNDNEXT); end; end; Function SetOtherWindowMemoText(const sCaption : String; const sText : String) : WideString; var hWindow : THandle; hChild : THandle; aTemp : array[0..5000] of Char; sClassName : String; begin Result := ''; hWindow := FindWindow(Nil,PChar(sCaption)); if hWindow = 0 then begin ShowMessage('Could NOT find the other program'); exit; end; hChild := GetWindow(hWindow, GW_CHILD); while hChild 0 do Begin if GetClassName(hChild, aTemp, SizeOf(aTemp)) 0 then begin sClassName := StrPAS(aTemp); if sClassName = 'Edit' then begin StrPCopy(aTemp,sText); SendMessage(hChild,WM_SETTEXT,SizeOf(aTemp),Integer(@aTemp)); end; end; hChild := GetWindow(hChild, GW_HWNDNEXT); end; end; Let say you want to get the text from Notepad, then you should pass the title of notepad to the previous function and assign the return value to Rich edit. An example: ............................................... //Get text from noteppad. RichEdit1.Lines.Text := GetOtherWindowMemoText('Untitled - Notepad'); ............................................... //Set notepad memo text. SetOtherWindowMemoText('Untitled - Notepad',RichEdit1.Lines.Text); ............................................... Regards, Abdulaziz Jasser