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Categories / Delphi / Examples


procedure TForm1.GetSelectedCells; {GRIDRECT DECLARATION... TGridRect = record case Integer of 0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Longint); 1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TGridCoord); end; } var cellSel: TGridRect; selLeft, selTop, selRight, selBottom: Integer; begin cellSel := SG.Selection; selLeft := cellSel.Left; selTop := cellSel.Top; selRight := cellSel.Right; selBottom := cellSel.Bottom; end; procedure TForm1.GetSCButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin GetSelectedCells; end; *************************************************** function GetSelectedString: String; function TCWForm.GetSelectedString: String; {return the string of characters that exists in cells selected by the user (in a range of cells in the StringGrid) using cell co-ordinates stored in selectedArray...} var selString: String; col, row, dataEnd, i: Integer; begin {the selectedArray first index is 0...} i := 0; selString := ''; dataEnd := CWMain.GetSelDataEnd; while (i <= dataEnd) do begin col := selectedArray[i]; Inc(i); if (i > dataEnd) then break; row := selectedArray[i]; selString := selString + (CWGrid.Cells[col, row]); Inc(i); end; Result := selString; end;